BOONE, Iowa---The Boone RAGBRAI Committee wants residents to know they have an opportunity to take part in the upcoming event by hosting RAGBRAI Riders. The Housing Committee is still looking for interested people to volunteer space. At the same time, several residents have indicated they intend to host riders they know, but Housing Committee Chair Vicki Greco says they should still let the Committee know for planning and liability purposes. Greco can be contacted by e-mail
Friday, April 29, 2011
Drug Drop Off
BOONE, Iowa---The Boone County Project SAFE, local law enforcement, the Boone County Supervisors, Boone County Landfill and others are supporting another "Drug Drop Off" event in Boone County on Saturday. The "Drug Drop Off" allows residents a chance to properly dispose of outdated, unused prescriptions, over the counter medications, vitamins, supplements and even pet medications. Kelly Wooden, Project SAFE Coordinator says the events in the past have been very successful. Residents just need to bring the old medications to their Police Department in Boone, Madrid or Ogden, Saturday between 10:00 AM and 12:00 PM.
Xenia Audit Released
DES MOINES, Iowa---State Auditor David Vaudt has released an audit report for Xenia Rural Water District. The report shows the District had total revenues for the last year of just under $10.5 million. Expenses totaled more than $19.8 million. Over $6 million of the expenses were considered interest expense. Expenses were up over 54% from the previous year.
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Hospital Finances Rebound in March
BOONE, Iowa---Hospital Chief Executive Officer Joe Smith noted a nice improvement in Hospital financials during March, due to a variety of reasons. Smith says admissions and patient days were up, but so were the expenses. He noted that net income was just under $100,000 compared to the budgeted amount of just under $91,000. Net income to date is over $477,000, ahead of last year, but some $325,000 behind budgeted amounts.
BOONE, Iowa---The RAGBRAI route through Boone has been set. Police Chief Bill Skare says riders will enter Boone from the north on Division Street, head east on 10th Street, South on Story to Mamie, then west to Greene Street. Riders will take Francis Mason Drive around Herman Hill and then cross Park Avenue and enter McHose Park. Leaving Boone, Skare says riders will take Park Avenue to South Marshall Street, head north to 1st Street then east to Corporal Snedden Drive. Riders will cross US Highway 30 to Quill Avenue and then head south to county road E-57 or 270th Street. RAGBRAI visits Boone on July 26th.
High Trestle Trail
MADRID, Iowa---Governor Terry Branstad was on hand for the formal ribbon cutting ceremony for the High Trestle Trail Wednesday. Branstad was joined by Lt. Governor Kim Reynolds and Congressman Leonard Boswell. The event also included representatives of all the city's and county's that participated in the trail project, state representatives and also members of the Iowa Heritage Foundation. Becky Roorda is Chair of the Boone County Conservation Commission and has been heading up the Madrid Celebration Committee. Roorda says Saturday, everyone is welcome to take part in the "Grand Celebration" for the trail which she said would be a mini RAGBRAI type event.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Conversations on Education
OGDEN, Iowa---The Ogden School District will play host to Dr. Troyce Fisher, former head of the Iowa School Administrators Association, for a special program about the future of education in Iowa. Fisher has begun an initiative to have conversations about what should and what needs to change to remain competitive in education. Ogden Superintendent Bill Roederer says Fisher will be at the Ogden High School Auditorium, Monday May 2nd at 5:30. Roederer says the presentation is not limited to just Ogden residents, but is open to anyone interested in participating.
Relay for Life Team Registration Deadline
BOONE, Iowa---Organizers for the Boone County Relay for Life for the American Cancer Society are pushing for more team participation this year. Cheryl Lenta one of the Co-Chairs says they are working on attracting more teams, which in turn improves fund raising. One of the team registration deadlines is nearing. The deadline to register your team and still get Relay for Life t-shirts is this Friday. Information on getting your team registered can be found on the Relay for Life website.
Boone 13 year old Receives Acting Awards
BOONE, Iowa---13 year old Harvey Roberts of Boone has been award two Iowa Motion Picture Awards for Best Actor and Best Supporting Actor. The awards were presented in a ceremony last Saturday at the Stoney Creek Inn in Johnston. Harvey's Best Actor Award was for his role in the film "CTRL+ALT+DELETE". The Best Supporting Actor nod was received for his role as Nathan Dewey in the feature "Ash". Harvey is the third consecutive Boone resident to receive the Best Actor Award. Wes Worthing and Jamie Aaron Kelley were recipients in 2009 and 2010. A picture of Harvey Roberts, his awards and presenter Mike Pace can be found in the the KWBG Slideshow.
Monday, April 25, 2011
District Patrons Will Need Petition
BOONE, Iowa---Boone School Superintendent Brad Manard will continue to present the public forums on possible options for remodeling and renovating the Boone High School, but to make the project move ahead, school district patrons will need to petition for a vote. The School Board took a look at the options and the financing available and has put the information out, but the Board can not bring the matter to voters unless petitioned. That is expected to happen and it's expected to lead to a bond issue later this year. Manard will deliver the last of the scheduled public forums Tuesday evening at 7:30 at the Boone Middle School.
Kids Klub Program Planning for Summer
BOONE, Iowa---The Youth and Shelter Services Kids Klub Program has grown quite a bit in the past 15 years. The program began in the Boone School District and is now found in four other school districts. Laura Teske is the Kids Klub Director and says the Boone Program offers before and after school opportunities and planning is again underway for the summer. Teske says like many programs, YSS is seeing a growing need with more parents qualifying for the sliding fee scale. Teske says the summer program will serve children that are Kindergarten to 6th grade in age.
Heritage Program
BOONE, Iowa---The Ledges State Park will be the subject for the Boone County Historical Society's monthly Heritage Program, later this week. Charles Irwin, Executive Director for the Society says the park was officially dedicated in 1924 and Carl Fritz Henning was the first custodian. The program will be presented by Vern Condon, Henning's grandson. The public is welcome to attend the program, Thursday evening at 7:00 at the Historical Center. There is no charge.
Friday, April 22, 2011
High Trestle Trail Grand Celebration
MADRID, Iowa---Even though many have been using the High Trestle Trail and crossing the bridge over the Des Moines River, a special ceremony is planned for Saturday, April 30th. Earlier this month, a ribbon cutting was held at the newly refurbished Depot at Woodward on the west side of the bridge. Because of the amount of activity on the trail, organizers are opting for a Grand Celebration, hosted by Madrid and other communities on the trail, Conservation Boards from Boone, Dallas, Polk and Story Counties and the Iowa Natural Heritage Foundation.
Fire Department Staff Changes
BOONE, Iowa---Boone Fire Chief Justin Adams says testing and interviews have been completed and the department will now have three new Captains. Names to fill the vacant positions were Chip Zenor, Kent Peterson and Max Cook. Besides handling shifts and administrative responsibilities when needed, Adams says the Captains will focus on three areas of interest, Fire Prevention, Fire Operations and Training. Adams says the three are among the seven career Firefighters on the department. There are five part-time Firefighters and ten paid on call Firefighters.
Madrid Threat
MADRID, Iowa---Boone County Sheriff Ron Fehr says deputies assisted Madrid Police with a call about a man threatening a woman with a gun on Thursday evening. Fehr says the individual was talked out of the home in the 700 Block of 2nd Street in Madrid. Fehr says Madrid Police will complete the investigation. Madrid Police Chief Rick Tasler has not had any additional information at this time.
Thursday, April 21, 2011
BOONE, Iowa---As expected, new property assessments that were mailed out a week ago are a very hot topic. Some people have seen substantial increases, while others have seen reductions or little to no change. Boone County Assessor D. Kevin Burggraaf says his offices goal is to have fair valuations and avoid equalization orders from the state. He says some 10,000 residential properties have been reviewed. Burggraaf also says ag land is set on corn suitability ratio. The new assessments will certainly draw a number of appeals and Burggraaf says he encourages people to appeal their assessments. He has a link on the county web site to help start the process.
Rummage and Bake Sale
BOONE, Iowa---The first night of the 30th Annual Boone Area Humane Society Rummage and Bake Sale apparently went pretty well. Large crowds turned out to the fair grounds to participate and support the major fund raiser. As usual, there were lines forming by early afternoon, waiting for the doors to open. The rummage and bake sale continues through Saturday at the Boone County Fair Grounds. The Humane Society will follow up with their next fund raiser annual Dog Obedience classes.
Recreational Trail
BOONE, Iowa---The work was considered unacceptable but the Park Commission and the City Council have taken action to accept the work on the Senholtz Trail adjacent to the Linwood Park Cemetery. The trail was removed during the first phase of the sanitary sewer rehabilitation project. It was replaced last year but the Park Commission refused to accept the work. By contract, the matter went to binding arbitration and the contractor CTI was allowed to walk away at a cost of $25,000. The City Council has voted to direct over $12,000 to the Park Commission to complete seeding and drainage along the trail.
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
City Takes Steps to Expand Program
BOONE, Iowa---The Boone City Council has taken steps to proactively try and deal with a Department of Natural Resources consent order from 2009. That order for the sanitary sewer rehabilitation work called for completion of the work last November. Mayor John Slight says the Council has put additional funds and directed that most of the money in the City's Property Protection Program be used for residents in the northeast part of the city. Slight says the program focuses on disconnecting footing and perimeter tiling from the sanitary sewer lines and includes sewer backup prevention measures.
Supervisors Asked to Restrict Road
BOONE, Iowa---The Boone County Board of Supervisors have been asked to consider restricting traffic on a county road that passes through the Des Moines YMCA Camp north of Boone. 166th Drive is the road in question. The road is the main access to the "Y" Camp. Camp Director Dave Sherry met with the Supervisors to discuss the matter. Board members have not made any decision and will be reviewing the matter with the County's secondary roads department.
Fire Destroys Barn
OGDEN, Iowa---Tuesday morning, Boone County residents were treated to the rare thunder snow event, as thunderstorms moved through the county, with rain changing to snow. With the thunder was lightning and that was the apparent cause of a barn fire in Marcy Township. Sheriff Ron Fehr says the Ogden and Boone Fire Departments were at the scene with deputies. No injuries were reported. The Kevin McCoy barn was considered a total loss. That fire occurred about 8:40 in the morning.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
NSP Grant Application
BOONE, Iowa---The Boone City Council has voted unanimously to support apply for more than $400,000 in grant funds for the Boone County Homeless Prevention Board to make available transitional living apartments at Crawford Hall. Work has already been done on the building north of the courthouse to deal with family homeless issues. Council members did raise questions about the City's responsibility if the homeless shelter is unable to keep operating. Some council members have expressed dissatisfaction with the number of change orders received for home renovation during the first phase of the Neighborhood Stabilization Program.
Public Forums
BOONE, Iowa---Boone School District Superintendent Brad Manard will continue the District's campaign to inform patrons about structural issues with the Boone High School and the plans to deal with matters. Manard has done a number of presentations to various groups and organizations and this week will have three public presentations, Tuesday at 7:30 PM at the Franklin Elementary School, Thursday at 8:00 AM in the 4th floor conference room at the Boone County Hospital and Friday at 10:30 AM at the Golden Corral. School district patrons are encouraged to attend any meeting to get their questions answered.
30th Annual BAHS Rummage Sale
BOONE, Iowa---The Boone Area Humane Society will host it's 30th Annual Rummage and Bake Sale at the Boone County Fair Grounds, beginning Wednesday evening. The annual event is one of the major fund raisers in Boone County. Shoppers will have to pay an entrance fee of $5 Wednesday evening if they haven't purchased advanced admission from the Shelter for $4. Jane Elsberry says there are several furniture pieces, clothing, Christmas items and more. There is no admission charge Thursday, Friday or Saturday.
Monday, April 18, 2011
Relay For Life
BOONE, Iowa---In less than 7 weeks, the 2011 Boone County Relay for Life will be held. Cheryl Lenta a co-chair for the annual fund raiser says the Boone County groups efforts are still focused on trying to get more teams to participate. Lenta says groups and organizations can still get teams entered. She also noted that there are quite a few changes this year, including stopping at midnight instead of walking all night. More information on this year's relay in Boone County is available here.
Special Meeting to Sell Bonds
BOONE, Iowa---The Boone City Council will be back holding a special meeting, Tuesday afternoon at the Boone City Hall. The Council will consider action to sell nearly $7 million in General Obligation Capital Loan Notes for new construction and to refinance five other bond sales. Boone City Administrator Luke Nelson noted that Moody's Investors have assigned an A-1 rating to the sale. Nelson says the improving General Fund balance and the reserves developed over the past couple of years are leading reasons for the rating.
Neighborhood Stabilization Grant
BOONE, Iowa---The Boone City Council tabled action on a possible grant application from the Neighborhood Stabilization Program earlier this month. The matter will be back on the agenda for Monday. The proposal calls for seeking a grant to allow the Boone County Homeless Prevention Board and others to continue with long range plans to rejuvenated Crawford Hall as a homeless shelter and transitional living location. The Council has not been pleased with the number of change orders associated with the original N-S-P grant the city received.
Friday, April 15, 2011
Economic Development Meeting
BOONE, Iowa---The Boone City Council's Economic Development Committee will meet Monday and will make plans for an upcoming visit by Debi Durham, the new head of the Iowa Department of Economic Development. Economic Development Director Beth Brincks will also present information about recent inquiries, including one about a possible hotel project. The Committee will meet prior to Monday nights City Council meeting at the Boone City Hall.
Hy Vee Donates to Museum
BOONE, Iowa---The Boone Hy Vee has made a big donation to the Iowa Railroad Historical Society for the proposed James H. Andrew Railroad Museum and Historical Center. Fenner Stevenson, Executive Director of the Boone and Scenic Valley Railroad accepted the $25,000 donation Thursday at the Boone and Scenic Valley Depot. The proposed facility will feature space for displays, a theater, library and a growing collection of railroad memorabilia, including numerous pieces from James H. Andrew of Jefferson, Iowa.
Burn Ban Lifted
Boone, Iowa---The ban on open burning in Boone County was lifted Friday afternoon at 4:00. Boone Fire Chief Justin Adams says the situation has improved nicely over the past couple of days, with additional rain and a green up of vegetation. However, he says there is still ample fuel for fires to quickly get out of control if people don't pay attention. Adams says people need to use common sense when planning any open burning, pay attention to the weather, the wind and the proximity to any structures. And, he says if a controlled burn is planned, notify your fire department about your plans.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
School Board Approves Budget
BOONE, Iowa---The Boone School Board did officially adopt a proposed budget for the next fiscal year during a regular meeting Tuesday evening. Superintendent Bard Manard says the budget was prepared using zero percent allowable growth as recommended by Governor Terry Branstad. Manard says the rate will be lowered by more than $2.00 per thousand dollars of valuation to a rate of $16.70. He says minor adjustments may be made by the state, depending on the action of the legislature.
Governor Speaks at Holy Week Event
BOONE, Iowa---The Boone Inter-Church Council of Laypersons has offered the Holy Week Series of Services for 58-years. This year group has announced that the featured speaker at the kick-off breakfast Saturday will be Governor Terry Branstad. The kick-off breakfast will be held this Saturday morning at 7:00 at the First United Methodist Church at 7th and Arden Streets in Boone. Tickets are available through local churches.
Park Commission Awards Contract
BOONE, Iowa---The Boone Park Commission has awarded a contract for the repair of storm damage to Herman Hill and a portion of the road around the hill. Heavy rains last year caused damage to the hill and created issues with the road. The project will repair the road and will address the drainage and culvert system. Con-Struct of Ames was awarded the contract with a bid of just under $59,000. The work is to be completed before the end of July, in time for RAGBRAI. City officials say the cost of the project is covered by FEMA.
Friday, April 8, 2011
Council Tables Action on Grant Application
BOONE, Iowa---The Boone County Homeless Board was going to work with the City to apply for a Neighborhood Stabilization Grant that would help fund additional transitional housing at Crawford Hall. However, the Council had several questions about the proposed project including estimates for the work. Instead of approving moving ahead with the application, the Council tabled action until their next meeting so they get their questions answered. Boone Mayor John Slight says he supports the Council's decision to delay action even though the City isn't putting any funding into the project. The deadline to apply is the day after the next Council meeting.
Even With Rain Burn Ban in Effect
BOONE, Iowa---A Burn Ban remains in effect in Boone, Greene and Story Counties. Many had hoped the rain Thursday might alleviate the situation, but it wasn't apparently enough rain. The official rainfall for Boone was .37, which was not apparently enough to trigger a decision to lift the ban on open burning. The ban was put in place because of the dry conditions and the large amount of fuel available. The Fire Marshall institutes a Burn Ban after consulting with local fire departments. Story County went into effect Monday. Boone County on Tuesday. Greene County on Wednesday.
Pickup Tractor Accident Injures One
BOONE, Iowa---Boone County Sheriff Ron Fehr says an accident Thursday afternoon did send a 16-year old Ogden girl to the Boone County Hospital with injuries. The accident occurred just over three miles east of Boone on 190th Street. 53-year old Larry Gustafson was operating a tractor pulling a harrow. Fehr says Gustafson was heading east and made a turn into a farm field. A pickup driven by 20-year old Stephen Ahrens of Ogden was also traveling east and collided with the tractor. 16-year old Cassandra White of Ogden, a passenger in Ahrens pickup was treated at Boone County Hospital.
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
BOONE, Iowa---A packed house greeted members of the Iowa Army National Guards Company C, 2nd Battalion, 147th Aviation headquartered in Boone. The unit has been on a peace keeping mission of Kosovo and was mobilized in April 2010. Company C flies and maintains the UH-60 Blackhawk helicopters and logged over 2,400 hours flying time. Iowa Adjutant General, Major General Tim Orr welcomed the unit home in a ceremony held on the Boone Campus of Des Moines Area Community College.
Fires Continue Dispite Burn Ban
BOONE, Iowa---Boone County Fire Departments have been very busy in recent days, dealing with numerous grass fires and even a couple of structure fires. The State Fire Marshall issued a ban on open burning in Boone County Tuesday. Even with that, the Boone Fire Department reported three grass fires and the Ogden Fire Department had yet another barn fire late Tuesday night. The Boone Fire Department did respond to help with that fire. It was the second structure fire in less than a week for the Ogden Department, and that doesn't include the grass fires they handled. Burn Bans are in place for Boone and Story Counties.
Deputy Accident
BOONE, Iowa---Boone County Deputy Andrew Godzicki was pretty sore Wednesday, according to Chief Deputy Gregg Elsberry. Godzicki was pursuing a speeding car Tuesday morning on US Highway 30 between Boone and Ogden. Godzicki lost control when he was forced to break for traffic that hadn't yielded to the lights and siren. Sheriff Ron Fehr says the car and driver being pursued has been identified and charges are pending.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Deputy Crashes on Highway 30
BOONE, Iowa---A Boone County Deputy Sheriff was injured when he lost control of his squad car during a high speed pursuit Tuesday morning. Sheriff Ron Fehr says Andrew Godzicki responded to a complaint of a speeding and reckless driver on US Highway 30. Fehr says Godzicki met the orange and blacked stripped Dodge on the south side of Ogden and turned to pursue. He lost control about 3.5 miles into the chase, rolling his car several times in the median. Godzicki was taken by ambulance to the Boone County Hospital. The Iowa State Patrol will be completing the investigation. Multiple agencies responded to the scene of the accident.
Burning Ban
UNDATED, Iowa---The State Fire Marshall has issued a ban on open burning in Boone County until further notice. The ban took affect at 10:00 Tuesday morning. The action followed visits with Boone County Fire Chiefs, whose departments have been responding daily to numerous grass fires. A Burn Ban was issued for Story County Monday. Boone Fire Chief Justin Adams says the open burning of yard waste in Boone will not be permitted until the ban is lifted. He says the Council may be asked to make an adjustment to the Spring Open Burning days, April 15th to May 15th.
Council Expands TIF District
BOONE, Iowa---The Boone City Council began the process to amend the Southeast Boone Urban Renewal District Monday evening. The Council had received no comments during their public hearing and approved the first consideration on the ordinance amendment. Boone Mayor John Slight says the move will make TIF dollars available to help cover the cost of on going sanitary sewer rehabilitation. Slight says he and the Council wanted alternatives to raising water and sewer rates.
Monday, April 4, 2011
Keep Boone County Scenic
BOONE, Iowa---The 2nd Annual Keep Boone County Scenic Litter Pickup day is going to be held April 16th. So far, volunteer efforts for Boone and Boone County have lagged behind other communities. There is still time to get signed up, either as a group or individually. Everyone is being encouraged to take a walk and pick up litter on Saturday the 16th. Lois Powers, Keep Boone County Beautiful Coordinator says there's still time to get signed up. Information and a registration link are available here.
Two 15 year olds Found in Indianapolis
BOONE, Iowa---Boone County Sheriff Ron Fehr says his department was notified Saturday morning about a runaway and a missing car from the southwest part of Boone County near Perry. Fehr says later Saturday, his department was notified that the vehicle was recovered and two juveniles were being detained by Indianapolis, Indiana authorities. Fehr says the two juveniles, 15-year old Devan B. Hall of Perry and 15-year old Zachary A. Henderson of Ogden will be returned to Boone County and will face charges of Operating a Vehicle Without the Owners Consent.
Perry Man Hospitalized Following Accident
OGDEN, Iowa---Boone County Sheriff Ron Fehr says a 66-year old Perry man was hospitalized in Boone, following a single vehicle accident south of Ogden over the noon hour Saturday. Investigating deputies reported that James Walker was traveling south and attempted to pass another south bound vehicle operated by 57-year old John Pithan of Perry. Pithan made a left turn and Walker left the road, went into the ditch, over an approach and rolled. Walker was cited with failing to maintain control.
Friday, April 1, 2011
Annexation Issue Remains Quiet
BOONE, Iowa---Boone City Administrator Luke Nelson says not much has happened recently between the City and businesses in the Boone Industrial Park. The Park has been talked about as a possible area of annexation by the City and the businesses have been campaigning against a study being done to address the matter. Nelson says he has been involved in discussions with businesses and the most recent concept has been annexation over an extended period of time. He says businesses are reviewing the matter at this time. Nelson says Snyder and Associates continues to prepare the often referred to annexation study.
Behn on Electric Rates
BOONE, Iowa---State Senator Jerry Behn, Republican from Boone, is the Ranking Member on the Senate Commerce Committee. This week, the Committee held yet another meeting to receive comments from about proposed legislation that would allow MidAmerican Power to pursue investors for a possible nuclear power plant. Behn says most of the focus has been on the cost and the return on investment. He says there has been less concern recently over safety issues. Behn says the problem he sees is that the cost of electricity will continue to increase. The issue is what's the most cost effective way to meet the demand.
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Blog Archive
- RAGBRAI Housing
- Drug Drop Off
- Xenia Audit Released
- Hospital Finances Rebound in March
- High Trestle Trail
- Conversations on Education
- Relay for Life Team Registration Deadline
- Boone 13 year old Receives Acting Awards
- District Patrons Will Need Petition
- Kids Klub Program Planning for Summer
- Heritage Program
- High Trestle Trail Grand Celebration
- Fire Department Staff Changes
- Madrid Threat
- Assessments
- Rummage and Bake Sale
- Recreational Trail
- City Takes Steps to Expand Program
- Supervisors Asked to Restrict Road
- Fire Destroys Barn
- NSP Grant Application
- Public Forums
- 30th Annual BAHS Rummage Sale
- Relay For Life
- Special Meeting to Sell Bonds
- Neighborhood Stabilization Grant
- Economic Development Meeting
- Hy Vee Donates to Museum
- Burn Ban Lifted
- School Board Approves Budget
- Governor Speaks at Holy Week Event
- Park Commission Awards Contract
- Council Tables Action on Grant Application
- Even With Rain Burn Ban in Effect
- Pickup Tractor Accident Injures One
- Homecoming
- Fires Continue Dispite Burn Ban
- Deputy Accident
- Deputy Crashes on Highway 30
- Burning Ban
- Council Expands TIF District
- Keep Boone County Scenic
- Two 15 year olds Found in Indianapolis
- Perry Man Hospitalized Following Accident
- Annexation Issue Remains Quiet
- Behn on Electric Rates