BOONE, Iowa---Boone County has another asset in case of an emergency. Boone County Planning and Development, Health and Sanitation presented the county's Environmental Emergency Response trailer at a press conference Wednesday. Mike Salati, Sanitarian and Code Enforcement Officer says the hopes are that the trailer will only see limited use, but just in case, he feels Boone County is ready to respond. The trailer project is a combined effort of several agencies in Boone County. Salati says much of the cost was covered through grant programs.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Nelson Says Infrastructure A Priority For Council
BOONE, Iowa---Boone City Administrator Luke Nelson says the City Council has begun the process of planning and preparing the budget for the city. He says the first work session was a review of goals for department heads and how they fit into the Council's goals. As expected infrastructure remains a primary concern. Nelson says the concern is no different than any other city, infrastructure is deteriorating faster than dollars are made available to make repairs. Nelson made his comments on the KWBG Tuned In Program.
Soup Served
BOONE, Iowa---The Boone County Historical Society will host their Holiday Soup Supper Thursday evening at the Historical Center. Charles Irwin, Executive Director says it's a great way to kick off the evening followed by the Boone Holiday Lighted Parade and then the lighting of the Community Tree at Veterans Heritage Park at 9th and Story. Irwin says tickets for the Historical Society fund raiser are available at the door.
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Three Arrested on Drug Charges
BOONE, Iowa---Boone County Sheriff Ron Fehr say three Boxholm residents were arrested Monday on drug related offenses. Fehr says deputies and the Central Iowa Drug Task Force arrested 19-year old Alicia L. Easterday for selling and furnishing precursors to manufacture meth. Also arrested were 36-year old Sherry A. Troutwine and 36-year old Daniel L. Troutwine on charges of the sale or transfer of precursors with the intent to manufacture meth. Both were arrested in Boxholm while Easterday was arrested in Boone. All three had bond set at $10,000.
World Aids Day Thursday
BOONE, Iowa---World Aids Day on Thursday will be a time when Central Iowa residents will be reminded by shrouded art work. Janelle Durlin with Mid-Iowa Community Action says it's something that was started sometime ago and is continued today. Durlin on KWBG Tuesday said HIV and Aids continues to affect many in Central Iowa including men and women of all ages.
Police Deal With Increases In Calls
BOONE, Iowa---Through the month of October, Boone Police Chief Bill Skare reported increases in several different categories. Reported assaults and intimidation increased slightly over 2010 while burglary and theft reports went up by almost one-third. Skare noted that stolen property value was nearly $44,000 compared to the nearly $13,000 reported last October. Criminal mischief calls were pretty close to last year's numbers and the cost of the damage was about half reported in 2010.
Monday, November 28, 2011
City Council Approves TIF Request
BOONE, Iowa---The Boone City Council has approved the annual city request for Tax Increment Finance dollars, amounting to more than $1.3-million dollars. The largest affected area is the Southeast Boone Urban Renewal District, which was expanded this year by the Council to include the north part of the city. The newest additions drawing the funds will be for the third phase of the Sanitary Sewer rehabilitation project.
Nystorm Named City Rep on CIE Board
BOONE, Iowa---The Boone City Council has nominated Council member Gary Nystrom to be the city's representative on the Central Iowa Expo Board. The CIE Board will be meeting Tuesday and will consider the nomination. Nystrom will replace Darrel Rensink. Rensink has served as the city representative on the Central Iowa Expo Board since it's inception. Rensink was instrumental in pursuing the opportunity to bring the Farm Progress Show to Boone County every other year.
School Board Proceeds With Bond Sale
BOONE, Iowa---The Boone School Board quickly took the necessary steps to proceed with the sale of nearly $5.8-million in School Infrastructure Sales, Services and Use Tax Revenue Bonds. The sale is expected to be completed by the next regular board meeting in December. The bond sale is part of a series of moves being made to finance the renovation of the Boone High School. The next expected bond sale will be in early 2012 and will be for at least $10-million in general obligation bonds.
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Annexation Agreements Adopted by Council
BOONE, Iowa---It took several months, but the Boone City Council has officially accepted the voluntary annexation agreements between the City and property and business owners in the Boone Industrial Park. The voluntary annexation was driven by an annexation study, conducted on behalf of the City. On going discussion led to an agreement with phased in annexation over the next 37 years. It's not known if any similar type of agreement has ever been developed. The completed annexation study has not been submitted to the City.
Hospital Board Approves Remote Pharmacy
BOONE, Iowa---The Boone County Hospital Board of Trustees have approved beginning at remote pharmacy program to assist with a reduction in medication errors. Efforts have been underway to reduce the errors, but the numbers tend to rise when pharmacists are not available for consultation. The Trustees have accepted a recommendation to retain the services Cardinal Health to provide, remotely, consultations aimed at reducing medication errors. The service is expected to cost about $5,000 a month.
Supervisors Adopt Proclamation
BOONE, Iowa---The Boone County Homeless Prevention Board was on hand Wednesday as the Boone County Board of Supervisors adopted a proclamation designating November as Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Month in Boone County. The Homeless Prevention Board has spent the last couple of years on the Crawford Hall renovation project, turning into a family shelter. In the past 7-weeks, ten families have passed through the doors of the shelter. Three families are still housed at the shelter. Pictured are some of the Homeless Prevention Board members with Supervisors Tom Foster and Steve Duffy.
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Council Hears Equalization Explanation
BOONE, Iowa---The Boone City Council heard first hand from County Assessor D. Kevin Burggraaf and Bob Ehler, President of Vanguard Assessment Software during Monday's City Council meeting. Burggraaf was updating the Council on the recent equalization order issued by the Iowa Department of Revenue and Finance. Burggraaf and Ehler both confirmed there had been a computer error that significantly altered Commercial and Industrial valuations. Who caused the computer error is not known. A 23% equalization was successfully appealed by Burggraaf, returning valuations to 2010 levels. A revaluation of Commercial and Industrial property has been ordered by the state.
Hospital Numbers Close to Budget
BOONE, Iowa---The Boone County Hospital was close to budget for revenue through the month of October. Net gain during October was over $75,000, slightly below budget. So far, the year to date net gain remains ahead by budget by more than $95,000. Total net gain of more than $435,000 is more than double the amount reported through October 2010.
Rensink Resigns
BOONE, Iowa---Darrel Rensink has served in a number of capacities for the City Boone over the past several years, most recently as an Economic Development and Government Relations Consultant. Rensink formally resigned from those responsibilities this week. The resignation was accepted by the Council Monday. Boone Mayor John Slight says Rensink has assisted in a number of ways, including two stints as interim City Administrator, once when Administrator Brent Trout was on active duty and again, after Trout left for Mason City and before Luke Nelson came on as Administrator. The resignation is effective the end of the year.
Monday, November 21, 2011
Equalization Order Update For Council
BOONE, Iowa---Boone County Assessor D. Kevin Burggraaf and Bob Ehler, President of Vanguard Assessment Software will be meeting with the City Council Monday evening to discuss with the Council and answer questions about the recent equalization order handed down by the Iowa Department of Revenue and Finance. The order was the result of an appeal by the Assessor on a mandated 23% increase in commercial property valuations. The order also noted other issues and those are expected to be discussed.
Consulting and Government Relations Contract
BOONE, Iowa---The Boone City Council's Economic Development Committee will be discussing some possible changes in the status of the contract between the City and Darrel Rensink on Monday. Rensink has served as interim City Administrator, he's been the Boone Economic Development Director and most recently took on some duties as a consultant, assisting with Government Relations and Economic Development.
Shop With A Cop Deadline Approaching
BOONE, Iowa---The deadline to nominate children for the annual Shop With A Cop program will be this Thursday, Thanksgiving Day. Boone Police Officer and School Resource Officer Dave Powers says a number of nominations have been received from schools, social service agencies and local churches. Powers says nomination forms are available at the Boone Police Department at 6th and Story for anyone that wants to make sure a child has been nominated for the holiday event. Powers says the community has been very supportive with donations, but volunteers will also be needed. The Shop With A Cop shopping spree will be December 8th.
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Alcohol Banned From Bridge
BOONE, Iowa---The Boone County Conservation Commission has decided to ban open containers of alcohol, which includes beer and wine, from being consumed on the High Trestle Trail Bridge. Commission members this week did not indicate that there was a serious problem, but felt it would be in the best interest of the public to prohibit the practice. Commission members say their intent is not to prohibit alcoholic beverages from the trail, just from consumption on the High Trestle Trail Bridge itself. Signs will be posted and Conservation Officers will begin the enforcement.
Suspicious Fires
BOONE, Iowa---Boone County Sheriff Ron Fehr says his department is investigating a series of ditch and field fires that have continued to show up in eastern Boone County. Fehr says several suspicious fires have occurred over the past several days. All have been contained without causing much damage to this point. Fehr says if anyone sees and suspicious activity they should contact the Sheriff's Department with the information. Suspicious activity would include vehicles or people in the area that stop along the roadway, especially if they are unknown to residents.
Graduate 4-H Members Honored
BOONE, Iowa---Over one hundred 4-H members and adult volunteers were honored for their achievements at the annual Boone County 4-H Awards Day at Boone High School. Six outstanding 4-H members received recognition for their achievements and were presented with scholarships that included funds from the Ag Omelet Breakfast, Boone Bank and Trust and US Bank of Boone. Honored were Lauren and Leah Haglund of Ogden, Aja Porter of Boone, Spencer Larson and Kaitlynn Romitti of Madrid and Alexa Lingren of Pilot Mound.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Record Low Interest For Revenue Bonds
BOONE, Iowa---The Boone School Board was pretty excited about setting the record for the lowest interest rate received for nearly $5.8-million in School Infrastructure Sales, Services and Use Tax Revenue Bonds Tuesday. Matt Gillespie of Piper, Jaffrey says the true rate was 2.87 % the lowest ever received for that type of bond sale in the state. Gillespie told the board that the difference in the bid and late September estimate amounted to more than $400,000. The sale is part of the overall plan to finance the renovation of the Boone High School.
Hunger and Homelessness Week
BOONE, Iowa---This week has been proclaimed Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week in Iowa and locally, the Boone County Homeless Prevention Board is hosting a open house at the recently opened Crawford Hall Family Shelter. Pastor Andrea Kraushaar of the First United Methodist Church says homelessness in Boone County doesn't always look like homelessness in big cities. However, it's a growing problem evident by the fact that the new shelter has only been open a month and half and has been full since the doors opened. The Thursday open house will be from 4:30 to 6:30 and the public is welcome.
4-H Scholarships Awarded
BOONE, Iowa---Eight scholarships were given out at the 2011 4-H Awards Day last Sunday in Boone. Scholarships and recipients include the Alice M. Flynn Memorial Scholarship which went to Taylor Johnson of Stratford. A Scholarship in memory of Julienne Blomgren went to Nicole Ruhnke. The Helen Jean Bice Scholarship went to Kaitlyn Romitti. The Chet Randolph Memorial Scholarship was awarded to Andrew Heineman. Four scholarships from multiple sources went to Stephanie Haberer, Michelle Blair, Jake Venner and Jamie Soderstrum.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Recycling Awards
BOONE, Iowa---The Boone Area Chamber of Commerce, Boone County Conservation Board and Boone County Landfill and Recycling Center recognized 180-businesses and workplaces for efforts in recycling on Tuesday. Landfill Administrator Scott Smith says the recognition coincides with American Recycles Day. Smith says particularly proud of those recognized because everything they do is voluntary.
Fish Kill Begins at Don Williams
BOONE, Iowa---Efforts to eradicate the gizzard shad from the Don Williams Lake in Boone County started Monday, as the Iowa Department of Natural Resources applied chemical that removes oxygen from the water. The result will be the kill off of the gizzard shad which have become a problem at the lake. Andy Hockenson, Conservation Director says it's the last step in a plan that included lowering the lake level 16-feet, making repairs on the spillway of the dam and also doing some clean-up of the lake bottom.
4-Her's Honored
BOONE, Iowa---The annual 4-H awards program was held Sunday November 13th and over one-hundred 4-H members and adult volunteers were honored for their achievements. Eight outstanding Freshmen 4-H members were honored by the family of Arnold and Marie Harris. Recipients included Cory Irwin, Kenton Reece, Kelsey Williams and Jessie Soderstrum of Boone, Delaney Aitchison and Mary Heiller of Madrid and Grant Heineman and Zane Satre of Ogden.
Monday, November 14, 2011
Arsenic In Water Supply
BOONE, Iowa---A study by the University of Iowa has found that hundreds of Iowa residents are drinking tap water polluted with arsenic and health workers are increasing efforts to have private well owners test their water. There were a couple of public systems that had tested high for arsenic, but Boone officials say the city's water supply hasn't had a problem with arsenic. Utility Superintendent Roy Martin says all city tests have results below the minimum limit. According to Martin the next scheduled test will be in 2014.
Supervisors to Canvass Election Results
BOONE, Iowa---The Boone County Board of Supervisors will meet Tuesday to canvass last Tuesday's municipal election results. Most of the numbers are not expected to change. Auditor and Commissioner of Elections Phil Meier indicated last week that two-absentee ballots that had been sent overseas had not been returned. There were several contested races in Boone County, especially in Boxholm, Luther, Ogden and Pilot Mound.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Veterans Groups Donate to PTO/PTA Groups
BOONE, Iowa---Three veteran organizations in Boone were recognized by the Boone School Board and the District for donations to the elementary PTO and PTA groups. The Marine Corps League, American Legion and Veterans of Foreign Wars make up the Boone Veterans Council. The monetary donations are going to be used to buy students the necessary winter clothing and footwear they need but can't afford. The organizations were represented by Erling Larson, Marine Corps League, Dick Thul, American Legion and Dave Christensen, VFW. Dr. Pam Nystrom presented the recognition to the School Board.
Boone County Mayors
BOONE, Iowa---Several Boone County Mayors were uncontested in Tuesday's municipal elections, but there were a couple of races. One of the closest was for Luther. Mary Bergeson is the apparent winner over Franklin Duroy, 21-to-18. For Boxholm, voters had two names to select from for Mayor and chose James Scheuerman over Dave Huffman. Pilot Mound voters elected Leda Burton over Jay Williams 53-to-19. Uncontested or write-in winners for Mayor included John Slight in Boone, Jeff Gibbons in Madrid, Keith Berg in Ogden, Kenneth Elsberry in Beaver, George Moore in Berkely and Jeff Paris in Fraser.
Boone Park Commission
BOONE, Iowa---The Boone Park Commission will have two new members and at this time, it appears that write-in campaigns by Taylor Tidgren and Brenda Wafful were successful. Tidgren formally announced a write-in campaign last week. Wafful's campaign included text messages to friends. Voter turnout was extremely light in Boone, with only 274 votes cast. The unofficial returns have Tidgren with 34 votes and Wafful with 24. Numerous others received votes for the Park Commission.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Water Main Break Affects Fareway Warehouse
BOONE, Iowa---Most people were cautioned about an anhydrous ammonia leak at the Fareway warehouse Monday evening. Sheriff Ron Fehr says the several agencies responded, including Emergency Management and Des Moines Haz-Mat. Fehr says the warehouse was evacuated. No injuries were reported. He noted the leak was confined to a small area and was no danger to the public. However, a main waterline beneath the floor of the warehouse ruptured and heaved the floor apparently causing the anhydrous leak. Quite a bit of water and mud entered the warehouse creating a massive clean up. The cause of the water line break has not been determined.
Development Agreement Completed
BOONE, Iowa---Proposed changes to a development agreement between the City of Boone and Wal~Mart have been accepted by Wal~Mart. Last month, the Council sought changes to the agreement including an increase in the cost of making traffic improvements should they be required after Wal~Mart relocates on the south side of Boone. Boone Mayor John Slight says the agreement is not so much for Wal~Marts project, but to provide assistance to the City if traffic issues arise. Part of the agreement includes a $75,000 letter of credit for any possible future work to be determined within 2-years of the new store opening.
Council Rules Dog Vicious
BOONE, Iowa---The Boone City Council usually doesn't have many hearings to determine the status of a dog following a dog bite, but the Council did have a case Monday. Boone Mayor John Slight says the case began with a notification by the Emergency Room Personnel at the Boone County Hospital. The Boone Area Humane Society serves as animal control for the city and quarantined the dog for 10 days. It has since been released to the owner. Because of the bite and the owners reluctance to restrict the dogs activity, the Council voted to euthanize the dog. Slight says he feels the Council's decision is best for the safety of the public.
Monday, November 7, 2011
Municipal Elections Take Center Stage Tuesday
BOONE, Iowa---There are several contested races in Boone County for Tuesday's municipal elections. There are Mayoral races in Boxholm, Luther and Pilot Mound. There are various City Council races in Boxholm, Luther, Madrid, Ogden and Pilot Mound. County Auditor and Commissioner of Elections Phil Meier says polls open at 7:00 AM in Boone and Madrid. All other polls will open at 12:00 PM. All polls will close at 8:00 PM. There are expected to also be a number of write-ins, including write-ins for Boone Park Commission where Taylor Tidgren as announced as a write-in candidate.
School Board to Review Certified Enrollment
BOONE, Iowa---The Boone School Board will receive the official certified enrollment information during their Tuesday evening meeting and District Business Manager Paulette Newbold will present the board with information on the impact on the 2012-2013 school district budget. Reports already have the Ames District talking about staff reductions because of a nearly 60 student decline in enrollment. The monetary impact per student is over $5,500.
Red Kettle Campaign
BOONE, Iowa---The Salvation Army's Red Kettle campaign will kick off this Thursday and will continue through December 24th. Lt. Bill Rutledge says The Salvation Army of Boone County has an aggressive goal of at least $150,000. He says that will fund programs and maybe even expand some of those programs. The biggest need now will be Volunteers to help "Ring the Bell!" Information on signing up as an individual or a group is available at or by calling 515-432-5770. Bell ringers are need from 9:00 AM until 9:00 PM, Monday through Saturday except on Thanksgiving.
Friday, November 4, 2011
City and County Consider Road Project
BOONE, Iowa---The Boone County Board of Supervisors and the City of Boone could be coming together to work on a road reconstruction project. The Industrial Park Road has been a consistent target because of the City plan to annex the Industrial Park. It appears that discussions have led toward a possible three-way partnership to complete a repaving of the road. Participants would be the City, County and the Industrial Park The Council has yet to receive any of the Voluntary Annexation Agreements present earlier this summer. The Council has also not received a completed Annexation Study from Snyder and Associates.
Beckwith Recognized by IGIA
BOONE, Iowa---The 18th Annual Iowa Grocery Industry Association Hall of Fame Dinner was held in West Des Moines this week, and Richard P. Beckwith, CEO and Chairman of the Board for Fareway Stores was selected the recipient of the Retailer of the Year Award. Beckwith began working at Fareway at the age of 16. He became Chairman of the Board and CEO last year. Beckwith is the fourth Fareway employee to earn Retailer of the Year from the IGIA.
Meals From The Heartland
BOONE, Iowa---The first time local effort to package Meals from the Heartland in Boone seems to be coming together pretty well. Volunteers have been handling the work at the Sacred Heart School in Boone. Meals will continue to be packaged on Saturday. Many participants have traveled to Des Moines to participate in the package of meals before and others have participated in other communities. This two day event is the first time Boone area residents have hosted the event locally.
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Ogden Council Works With Fitness Center
OGDEN, Iowa---Last fall, Ogden residents indicated they would like to see a fitness center locate in their city. That is a step closer with the City Council directing Administrator Donovan Olson to sign a contract with No Sweat Fitness. Mark Quinn, owner of No Sweat Fitness, will locate in a lower level room at the Leonard Good Community Center for up to two years. Olson says the use of the Community Center could help get the Fitness Center off the ground.
Supervisors Approve New Commissioner
BOONE, Iowa---The Boone County Board of Supervisors took action to formally approve William L. Sharp as the news Commissioner on the Boone County Veterans Affairs Commission. Sharp replaces Jennifer Doak who resigned this summer. Sharp joins Ray Neumann of Madrid and Craig Wearmouth of Ogden on the Commission. Orvil Nelson, long time Commissioner and World War II veteran continues to work with the Commisison.
Another Scam Surfaces
BOONE, Iowa---Boone County Sheriff Ron Fehr says yet another scam has surfaced in Boone County. He says this week, a rural Boone County couple notified the Sheriff's Department that they were called by an unidentified person and told to go to Wal~Mart and purchase a green gift card. They were told they could win $5,000 and a new car and all they had to do was call in the numbers off the card. Fehr says the gift cards require people to put a dollar amount on the card. He says giving out the numbers will allow someone to use the card.
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Durham Speaks to Boone's Future
BOONE, Iowa---Boone's Future, the Economic Development group for Boone County, held an annual meeting Tuesday and featured speaker was Debi Durham, Director of the Iowa Economic Development Authority. Durham told the group that the economy is not a partisan problem, but an economic problem and a combination of things need to be done to make improvements. Durham says some good things have been done at the federal and the state level, but it's just a beginning. Boone's Future named Rhonda Nelson of CDS as the new President, replacing Fred Greiner of Fareway.
Recycling Award Nominations
BOONE, Iowa---Within the next week, the deadline will arrive for the annual Boone County Outstanding Business/Workplace Waste Reduction and Recycling Awards. Lisa Anderson, Boone County Environmental Education Coordinator says last year 176 awards were presented. She says the number has increased every year as businesses find it more cost effective to participate in recycling. Anderson says nomination forms are available from the Boone County Landfill and the Boone Area Chamber of Commerce. There's also information on the Boone County website
Safe Room Project
BOONE, Iowa---The Boone County Board of Supervisors are continuing to work with the Iowa State University 4-H Foundation to secure federal dollars for a safe room to be constructed at the 4-H Camp in Boone County. The Foundation is working with the Supervisors because it take a governmental entity to access the program. This week, the Supervisors will consider a resolution regarding the local match for the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program.
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Blog Archive
- Environmental Health Trailer Presentation
- Nelson Says Infrastructure A Priority For Council
- Soup Served
- Three Arrested on Drug Charges
- World Aids Day Thursday
- Police Deal With Increases In Calls
- City Council Approves TIF Request
- Nystorm Named City Rep on CIE Board
- School Board Proceeds With Bond Sale
- Annexation Agreements Adopted by Council
- Hospital Board Approves Remote Pharmacy
- Supervisors Adopt Proclamation
- Council Hears Equalization Explanation
- Hospital Numbers Close to Budget
- Rensink Resigns
- Equalization Order Update For Council
- Consulting and Government Relations Contract
- Shop With A Cop Deadline Approaching
- Alcohol Banned From Bridge
- Suspicious Fires
- Graduate 4-H Members Honored
- Record Low Interest For Revenue Bonds
- Hunger and Homelessness Week
- 4-H Scholarships Awarded
- Recycling Awards
- Fish Kill Begins at Don Williams
- 4-Her's Honored
- Arsenic In Water Supply
- Supervisors to Canvass Election Results
- Veterans Groups Donate to PTO/PTA Groups
- Boone County Mayors
- Boone Park Commission
- Water Main Break Affects Fareway Warehouse
- Development Agreement Completed
- Council Rules Dog Vicious
- Municipal Elections Take Center Stage Tuesday
- School Board to Review Certified Enrollment
- Red Kettle Campaign
- City and County Consider Road Project
- Beckwith Recognized by IGIA
- Meals From The Heartland
- Ogden Council Works With Fitness Center
- Supervisors Approve New Commissioner
- Another Scam Surfaces
- Durham Speaks to Boone's Future
- Recycling Award Nominations
- Safe Room Project