BOONE, Iowa---The Boone County Hospital offered skilled nursing care on the 3rd floor of the hospital, until the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid services decided to shut the service down. The matter was appealed and an Administrative Law Judge recently ruled in the hospital's favor, permitting the service to continue. Hospital CEO Joe Smith told the Hospital Board recently that CMS still has more than a month to appeal the judges ruling. In the mean time, Smith says rules and regulations have changed to work will begin to reopen the skilled care unit to meet the new standards. The Hospital Board supported the skilled nursing beds because of improved patient services.
Monday, April 30, 2012
Governor Participates in Arbor Day at Arboretum
MADRID, Iowa---Iowa Governor Terry Branstad conducted the formal tree planting for Arbor Day at the Iowa Arboretum Saturday, the official Arbor Day in Iowa. Branstad planted another oak tree among the Governor's Oaks, with a little help from an Ogden Boy Scout Troop. Branstad was welcomed by the Arboretum Executive Director Mark Schneider and Arboretum Board President Dr. Donald Lewis. Boone City officials report that they will have an Arbor Day Proclamation and ceremonial tree planting Friday morning. Johnny Appleseed tree planting will take place Saturday in Boone.
Several Hospitalized Following Accident
BOONE, Iowa---At least four people were hospitalized at the Boone County Hospital Sunday afternoon, following a two-vehicle accident on US Highway 30 at Corporal Snedden Drive. Authorities report that the accident occurred about 2:40 PM Sunday. A south bound vehicle operated by 57-year old Cheryl Lynn Bearden collided with a west bound vehicle on US Highway 30 operated by 35-year old Stacy Lynn Hardaway of Jefferson. Both drivers and two passengers from Hardaway's vehicle were taken by ambulance to the Boone County Hospital with non-life threatening injuries. Damages were estimated at $4,500 to the vehicles involved. Charges are pending.
Friday, April 27, 2012
Baltimore Unsure About Session End
BOONE, Iowa---On the KWBG News Public Affairs Program Tuned In Friday, Representative Chip Baltimore said he wasn't sure when the legislative session would end. Baltimore says House Republicans have a spending level that's $40-million less than Senate Democrats and is doesn't appear that either side will budge. Those are the same comments made before by others, including Senate Democrat Herman Quarmbach. Once leadership decides on how much they can spend, then it gets divided up. Baltimore's comments can be heard on Tuned In found here.
Hospital Finances Good Headed in Final Quarter
BOONE, Iowa---The Boone County Hospital is ahead of budget headed into the final quarter of the 2012 Fiscal year. In patient numbers have been pretty much on goal, but out patient services have led the way with better than expected levels. Through March, the net gain has been over $800,000. That exceeds the budget amount of more than $750,000 and is well ahead of the pace last year at this time.
Drug Drop Off
BOONE, Iowa---Boone County will be participating in the statewide spring Drug Drop Off event, with three drop off locations. All three police departments, Boone, Madrid and Ogden will be accepting unused or expired prescriptions, expired over the counter medications, vitamins and supplements and even expired pet medications on Saturday morning. Kelly Wooden with Boone County Project SAFE has said in the past that the Boone County events have been successful. Residents can clean out their medicine cabinets, either tear off or color over any prescription label and bring the items to the police departments between 10:00 AM and 12:00 PM Saturday.
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Progress at Farm Progress Show Site
BOONE, Iowa---The Central Iowa Expo site is coming to life east of Boone. Planting of demonstration plots is moving ahead quickly due to extremely mild conditions in March and April. Matt Jungman, National Shows Manager for Farm Progress, appearing the nationally syndicated Agritalk Program Thursday everyone is very busy getting everything together. He noted that their first event will be the Hay expo in June. That follows Lazerfest on Mother's Day. Mike Adams, Host of Agritalk noted the many changes in the site since the show first visited Boone six years ago.
Parking or Trees, That's the Question
BOONE, Iowa---The Boone City Council's Public Safety and Transportation Committee has opted to consider the elimination of parking on the street and save the trees. The Committee was presented with the prospect during a meeting this week. Planning is beginning for the reconstruction of several blocks of South Marshall Street. Parking is currently permitted on one side of the street between 1st and Prairie. Iowa DOT specs call for the street to be 31 feet wide for that to continue. The current width is 27 feet. Widening would mean the elimination of a number of established trees. The Public Safety Committee has decided to seek and ordinance to prohibit parking on the street.
DMACC Students Elected PTK VP
BOONE, Iowa---Des Moines Area Community College Boone Campus student Anthoney Ames of Boone has been elected the Division III International Vice President of Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society. Ames was elected at the recent 2012 convention held in Nashville, Tn. Ames was no only the first DMACC student elected to an international office, but also the first Iowan to be elected to the international level of leadership. Dr. Nancy Woods is the DMACC Boone Campus PTK Advisor.
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Leak Program Discussion Continues
BOONE, Iowa---Boone City Administrator Luke Nelson says discussions about establishing a "Leak Protection Program" for Boone utility customers are on going and in fact have even changed since the last Council meeting. Nelson says the original proposal would have applied for residential properties but now discussions have expanded to working with other customers. One question that keeps coming up is why not let customers opt into the program instead of making them opt out. Nelson says he prefers the opting out so that people that fail to hear or act on the opportunity, will have protection. Nelson the Council has not adopted the program yet and probably could until late spring.
Squaw Creek Watershed
BOONE, Iowa---The Boone County Board of Supervisors have been updated about the planned future of projects that may be available in the Squaw Creek Watershed. Mark Land with Snyder and Associates met with the Supervisors Wednesday and explained that funds were awarded to a number of watersheds for the development of programs that may help flood events. Successful plans could continue to receive support for projects and programs. A Thursday meeting will be held at the Story County Conservation Offices to continue bringing different agencies together. Supervisor Tom Foster will represent the Supervisors. A proposed 28E agreement was discussed, but has not been adopted by the Board.
Another Scam Surfaces
BOONE, Iowa---Boone County Sheriff Ron Fehr has reported that a Deputy is working yet another scam that occurred to a Madrid area resident. The investigation revealed that a resident was called by someone saying they were with Publishers Clearinghouse and they had won $500,000 and a BMW. All they had to do was make payments on the taxes, processing and attorney fees and they could use the convenient MoneyPak payment method. Fehr says the victim did begin making payments but stopped and notified the Sheriff's Department. The money that was paid apparently left the country. Fehr says when contacted take time to contact law enforcement to protect yourself.
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Ogden District Deals With Tight General Fund
OGDEN, Iowa---The Ogden School District, like many others in Iowa is dealing with a tight general fund portion of their budget. Superintendent Bill Roederer on Tuned In Tuesday said the district has plenty of funds to cover what they would like to do, they just don't have the authority to spend those dollars. Spending authority has been a topic that crops up quite often. Roederer says he doesn't anticipate any reductions in force at this time. He says many of the reductions will take place through attrition.
Humane Society Rummage and Bake Sale Wednesday
BOONE, Iowa---It remains one of the biggest fund raising events in Boone County, the Boone Area Humane Society's Annual Rummage and Bake Sale. It begins Wednesday evening at 6:00 at the Boone County Fairgrounds. This year marks the 31st year for the event. The "Early Bird" admission on Wednesday is a big part of the success of the fund raiser. Weather permitting, people are expected to begin gathering in the park lot at the Fair Grounds early Wednesday. This year, a "Later Bird" sale will be held. 11:00 Saturday, everyone will be sent from the buildings and for $5.00 they can reenter and take what they want.
Woolworth Stores Heritage Program Topic
BOONE, Iowa---The impact of the F.W. Woolworth Stores on the lives of Americans will be the topic of the monthly Heritage Program for the Boone County Historical Society. Charles Irwin, Historical Society Director says Judy Russell will deliver the program and will show some of her Woolworth's memorabilia. Russell's father, Howard Smith worked at Woolworth's in Boone and managed the Decorah from 1938 until 1972. The program begins at 7:00 PM Wednesday, at the Historical Center at 602 Story Street. It is free to the public.
Monday, April 23, 2012
Governor Scheduled to Kick Off Arbor Day
BOONE, Iowa---The Iowa Arboretum has currently scheduled Iowa Governor Terry Branstad to kick off Arbor Day activities Saturday with the planting of a tree on the Arboretum grounds. Mark Schneider, Arboretum Executive Director notes that the celebration of trees will be held Saturday the 28th from 9:00 AM until 4:00 PM. The tree planting with the Governor is scheduled for 10:00 AM and is free to the public. Branstad has planted a number of trees at the Arboretum over the years. Schnieder says everyone is welcome to come down to the Arboretum on Saturday.
Illinois Man Selected to Head Railroad Museum
BOONE, Iowa---The new James H. Andrew Railroad Museum and Historical Center will officially open on the Memorial Day weekend, according to Boone and Scenic Valley General Manager Fenner Stevenson. Stevenson says after interviewing a number of very good candidates, they have selected Mike Wendel of Bishop Hill, Illinois to head up the facility. Stevenson says Wendel has even volunteered on the Boone and Scenic Valley Railroad. Stevenson says Wendel will begin his duties in a couple of weeks.
Grinder Ribbon Cutting
BOONE, Iowa---The Boone County Landfill will host a formal ribbon cutting ceremony Tuesday morning, featuring the landfills new equipment, including the Terminator. Scott Smith, Landfill Administrator and Recycling Coordinator, says the equipment is an investment in the future life of the landfill, making more usable for a longer period of time. Smith says the equipment has been in use for a couple of weeks now and the staff is still learning things. The Boone County Supervisors and Chamber Ambassadors are expected to participate in the ribbon cutting.
Friday, April 20, 2012
20 Groups Receive over $84K
BOONE, Iowa---The Boone County Community Endowment officially distributed more than $84,000 to 20 Boone County organizations for a wide array of projects that will have an affect on numerous Boone County residents. Mary Bilden, President of the County Endowment Board said a record 48 applications were received, seeking nearly $345,000. Bilden said the board would have liked to awarded more money to more projects. Most grants are $5,000 or less. Pictured are several of the recipients and Endowment Board members.
Volunteers to Keep Boone County Scenic
BOONE, Iowa---Keep Boone County Scenic is the local effort to help with litter clean up in recognition of Earth Day. The program spun off from the Keep Boone County Beautiful Dragoon River Romp. This will mark the third year that volunteers have "gone for a walk and picked up litter". Landfill Administrator Scott Smith says Boone County Recycling and Keep Boone County Beautiful are acting as facilitators, but all the activities are being left to individuals and their communities. Smith says those that are interested can stop at the Recycling Center truck entrance off Division Street at 9:00 AM Saturday.
Last Weekend for Rummage Sale Donations
BOONE, Iowa---The Boone Area Humane Society 31st Annual Rummage and Bake Sale will be held next week and that means this Saturday is the final day for supporters to drop off donations at the Boone County Fair Grounds. Anyone with items they would like to donate, should bring those to the Fair Grounds between 9:00 AM and 2:00 PM. The Early Bird admission for the Rummage and Bake sale will Wednesday evening from 6:00 PM until 8:30 PM. Tickets can still be purchased in advance at the Boone Area Humane Society for $4.00. The cost will be $5.00 at the door.
Thursday, April 19, 2012
City Refinances Debt for Savings
BOONE, Iowa---The Boone City Council had approved allowing the city's financial consultant Speer Financial work at a project to refinance sewer revenue debt that dates back to the construction of the new waste water plant in the mid-90's. Boone Mayor John Slight this week said Speer Financial worked with Piper Jaffray and refinanced $4.6 million in debt with Cedar Rapids Bank and Trust and Peoples Trust and Savings Bank in Clive. Slight says the net savings could be in excess of $300,000 over the life of the debt. He noted payments have been shortened to meet the city's ongoing effort to aggressively pay off debt.
Ki HI Kapper
BOONE, Iowa---One of the longest, if not the longest running after prom party will be held in Boone Sunday morning. The Boone Noon Kiwanis are marking the 61st consecutive after prom party, the Ki Hi Kapper, at the L.W. Courter Center on the Boone Campus of Des Moines Area Community College. The Kiwanis collect donations in excess of $7,000 to put on the event. Over the years the Kapper has been held in various locations, but every year, the Kiwanis have been successful in their efforts to keep prom goers safe and secure.
20 Nonprofit Groups Receive Endowment Grants
BOONE, Iowa---The official presentation of the 2012 Boone County Endowment Grants will be made at the Boone Bank and Trust Friendship Room Thursday evening. Mary Bilden is President of the Board that handles the Endowment. She said this year, 48-applications were received, seeking more than $330,000. There are 20-awards that will be presented amounting to just over $84,000. The Endowment Board has set aside $5,000 to fund a "Seeds for Success" program. The "Seeds" program is seeking Boone County nonprofit organizations, willing to participate in the program with a $9,000 investment in an endowment fund.
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Supervisors Continue to Pursue CIE Project
BOONE, Iowa---The Boone County Board of Supervisors received the latest updated information on plans to pave roads at the Central Iowa Expo site east of Boone. This year the site is home to LazerFest, the Hay Expo and the Farm Progress Show. Foth Engineering has been working on site development and is involved in a combined effort between Boone County, the Iowa Department of Transportation and Iowa State University. Within the next couple of weeks, it's expected that bids will be sought for work on the streets at the Expo site. Actual paving is not expected until next year.
More Budget Reductions Possible
BOONE, Iowa---Boone School Superintendent Brad Manard says there could possibly be more reductions made in the district's budget when the School Board meets in May. Manard said on KWBG that the reductions are currently on the low end of what was necessary, about $500,000. Additional reductions would be a benefit, because the Board will possibly be considering similar dollar amounts, $500,000 to $700,000 next year. Manard says the Board still feels the cuts that are being made go against everything they've tried to build in the district.
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Slight Supports Leak Protection Program
BOONE, Iowa---Boone Mayor John Slight says he thinks Boone water and sewer users will benefit from a program being discussed by the Council. The Leak Protection Program would place an optional 50-cent charge on residential water bills. The program would offer protection against high utility bills. Slight says he likes the fact that those that don't want to participate can opt out of the program. The Council is in the process of reviewing the proposal and could discuss the matter at their first meeting in May.
19 Year Old Injured in Moped Accident
BOONE, Iowa---Boone County authorities investigated a car-moped accident, Monday afternoon, that sent a 19-year old from Boone to the Boone County Hospital. Authorities report that Matthew Tuohy was on 190th Street east of Boone, when 47-year old Alicia J. VanCannon of Cambridge hit Tuohy's moped from behind. Tuohy sustained non-life threatening injuries. Deputies did cite VanCannon with failure to reduce speed and Tuohy was cited for failure to have proof of insurance.
Committee Debates Demolition
BOONE, Iowa---The Boone City Council's Economic Development Committee debated the procedure to use to move forward with the demolition of a building at 1004 Story Street. The building had housed the Historical Museum Society of Boone County and is currently owned by Tier Five Pos Properties of Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Public Safety Director Bill Skare reported to the committee that the building needs to be demolished as a safety matter. The Committee has been concerned about the cost and who will be responsible for the demolition and maintenance of shared walls.
Monday, April 16, 2012
Overton New Assessor
BOONE, Iowa---Paul Overton has been a county Assessor before, in Wayne County. Most recently he has been the Ames Deputy City Assessor. This week, he takes over the position of Boone County Assessor and needless to say there will be plenty to do. Overton was selected, from a number of qualified candidates, to fill the unexpired term as Boone County Assessor. The vacancy created when D. Kevin Burggraaf resigned earlier this year. The Conference Board selected Overton following interviews in March. Currently, the Assessor's Office is working with the Iowa Department of Revenue to correct a series of problems that led to an equalization order from the state for commercial and industrial properties.
Accident Hospitalizes Several
BOONE, Iowa---A two vehicle accident Sunday evening left several hospitalized, including one in Des Moines. Sheriff Ron Fehr reports that Deputies responded about 8:00 Sunday evening to 190th and "T" Avenue, right east of Boone. Investigators report that 41-year old James Bass of Ames was traveling east when he went through the stop sign and was struck by a north bound vehicle operated by 66-year old Gary Moeller of Boone. 36-year old Heather Bass was flown from the scene to Des Moines. James Bass and 6-year old Noah Bass and Gary Moeller and 58-year old Nancy Moeller were all taken by ambulance to the Boone County Hospital. The Boone Fire Department provided assistance at the scene. Bass was cited for failing to stop at the stop sign.
High School Project Plans
BOONE, Iowa---Plans for the rejuvenation of the Boone High School continue to get refined. The Boone School Board received a brief presentation during a School Board meeting last Thursday. Superintendent Brad Manard reviewed some of the changes and explained that work has come up some savings, which will mean more renovation in the 1955 addition to the school. The time frame is unchanged with bidding expected in August.
Friday, April 13, 2012
Baltimore Expects Session to Continue
BOONE, Iowa---State Representative Chip Baltimore, Republican from Boone, said Friday that he doesn't expect the legislative session to be done by this Tuesday. Tuesday is the day the Per Diem expenses for the legislators runs out. Baltimore, the KWBG "Tuned In" program said there are just to many things that need to be resolved. He said he had expected to move through Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities this week, but for some reason is stalled out. There is still property tax reform, education reform and of course a number of budget bills that need to make it through conference committees.
Council to Hear About Leak Protection Program
BOONE, Iowa---The Boone City Council will hear a new proposal called the "Leak Protection Program" which will offer residents an opportunity to pay an extra fifty cents a month on their water bill to insure against a high water bill caused a leak. The proposal is just being developed and the City Council's Utility Committee voted 2-1 with Council Member Gary Nystrom voting against proceeding with developing the ordinance at the present time. The most controversy seems to surround to discussion about including the service on each water bill and giving people the option of opting out of the program. No final decisions have been made. The initial presentation will be made to the Council Monday.
Boone School Budget
BOONE, Iowa---The Boone School Board was able to quickly adopt the district's budget for the next fiscal year. No comments were received and there was no opposition. The budget was adopted as published and calls for a property tax asking in the next fiscal year of just under $7.2-million. The amount is up from the current year of just under $6.9-million, but well below the more than $7.9-million sought in the 2011 fiscal year.
Non-instructional expenses will see increases because of the high school building project.
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Pawty Raises $17,000
BOONE, Iowa---The Boone Area Humane Society's first ever Pawty 4 Paws drew over 300 people and raised $17,000. On the KWBG Tuned In Program Thursday, Dora Burma said the fund raiser was even more successful than expected. She says they are already talking about an event for next year. Proceeds are targeted for capital improvements to the shelter and Heidi Drees-White, Executive Director said work has already begun on the old shelter building. She said making the old shelter usable is estimated at $35,000. A grant from the Leonard Good Trust is already being applied to the project.
Central Iowa Expo Site Roads
BOONE, Iowa---Work on weather proofing the Central Iowa Expo east of Boone could begin within the month. A combined effort is being put together to get permanent streets at the site that will be hosting Lazerfest, the Farm Progress Hay Expo and this years Farm Progress Show. Needless to say the work will need to be completed next year, but work on preparing the streets could be done by the end of June. The dates are tentative at this time. Boone County is working with several entities to acquire paved streets. The Boone County Board of Supervisors were updated on the progress this week.
Application Deadline Approaches
BOONE, Iowa---The City of Boone Human Services Committee will soon be reviewing applications seeking a portion of the cities local option sales tax. When voters approved the tax more than 20-years ago, it identified that 5% would go to human service agencies. The deadline for applications is 5:00 Friday afternoon. No applications will be accepted after the 5:00 deadline. Application forms are available on line here. The Human Services Committee usually has $35,000 to $40,000 available for distribution each year.
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
School Board Budget and Reductions
BOONE, Iowa---The Boone School Board will hold their regular meeting Thursday evening at 7:00 at the Boone High School. The meeting will include consideration of the district budget, which will actually see a reduction in the tax rate. But, the meeting will also include potential budget reductions that will be considered to lower the district's general fund portion of the budget. Superintendent Brad Manard had said earlier that the district should reduce the general fund portion of the budget by $500,000 to $700,000.
Sexual Assault Awareness Month
BOONE, Iowa---April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month and members of the Boone County Sexual Assault Response Team say they hope to help make more people aware that assistance is available for victims of sexual assault in Boone County. Alicia VanCannon is the Community Outreach Coordinator for ACCESS and says sexual assault cases do occur in Boone County. Jody King, RN at the Boone County Hospital, is one of three nurses trained to work with assault victims and says increases usage of prescription drugs is starting to show up in sexual assaults in Iowa. The Response Team also includes members of the Boone Police Department.
Supervisor Approve Road Construction Agreement
BOONE, Iowa---The action was pretty much a formality, but the Boone County Supervisors did take time to approve a 28E agreement with the City of Boone for the repair, replacement and construction of the Industrial Park Road and Quartz Avenue. It's been almost three years since efforts began to fix the two roads to the Industrial Park. Currently, an estimated 300 trucks a day make use of the roads to access businesses in the Industrial Park. The Boone City Council adopted the agreement during their last meeting on April 2nd.
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Conference Board to Deal With Personnel Matters
BOONE, Iowa---The Boone County Assessor's Conference Board will hold a special meeting Tuesday evening to hear appeals from two employees regarding proposed wage reductions. Acting Assessor Phil Meier made the proposal last month when the Conference Board held a public hearing on the proposed budget. The recommendation included salary reductions for two employees. The Conference Board did not take any action on the recommendation to reduce pay, rather tabling any action until employees had a chance to appeal the reductions to the full Conference Board. The appeals are expected to be conducted in a closed session. Any Board decisions will be made in an open session.
Park Commission Gearing Up For Johnny Appleseed
BOONE, Iowa---The 2012 Johnny Appleseed Tree planting in Boone is less than a month away. The Boone Park Commission received the update this week. Johnny Appleseed has recently been awarded a grant from the Alliant Energy and Trees Forever. Most of the planting this year will be on the Boone Campus of Des Moines Area Community College. 190 arborvitae will be planted by the new baseball field at DMACC. Any other donations will be used for additional tree plantings to replace trees that did not survive. Johnny Appleseed donations may be made out to the City of Boone with a notation of Appleseed and will be used only for the Johnny Appleseed program.
Conservation Board Upholds Policy
BOONE, Iowa---The Boone County Conservation Board has voted to uphold it's policy of no motorized vehicles on the High Trestle Trail, other than maintenance or other authorized emergency vehicles. The Board has received a request over a month ago, requesting permission for a wedding to be held on the High Trestle Trail Bridge. The request also sought permission to use a golf cart to transport older guests to the bridge. Last month, the general opinion of board members was not to permit the request. That was reaffirmed this week, when the Conservation Board took action to allow the request.
Monday, April 9, 2012
Bullet Hits Home
BOONE, Iowa---Boone County Sheriff Ron Fehr says a deputy did make an arrest following a complaint of shots being fired and bullet going through the wall of a home at 991 Mink Lane, right northwest of Boone. According to county records, the home is owned by Tim and Janet Willuweit. Sheriff Ron Fehr reported that the deputy did locate the shooter in the 1800 Block of West 8th Street in Boone. 34-year old James E. Murray, Jr was charged with reckless use of a firearm. No injuries were reported.
Conservation Board Expects Final Decision on Golf Cart Question.
BOONE, Iowa---The Boone County Conservation Board expects to continue a discussion about allowing a golf cart on the High Trestle Trail for a wedding later this year. The Board has already approved the wedding by has been reluctant to permit a golf cart to be used to transport older attendees to the middle of the bridge. The Board did not take any action last month, instead waiting for all Board members to be in attendance. The consensus was to stay with the policy of not permitting public use of motorized vehicles on the trail.
School Board Address Budgets This Week
BOONE, Iowa---School district budgets need to be addressed this week and many districts are looking at making some difficult decisions. First up will be Madrid and Ogden. The Madrid School Board meets Monday afternoon and will conduct their budget hearing. A couple of weeks ago, the Madrid Board did ratify the contract between the Board and the Education Association with a total package increase of just under 3.4%. The Ogden School Board will consider both during their meeting Monday evening. Boone and United School Boards meeting Thursday.
Friday, April 6, 2012
Connect Iowa Assessment For Boone County
BOONE, Iowa---The Boone County Board of Supervisors were updated about plans to conduct an assessment of broadband services in Boone County. Carissa Miller with the MIDAS Council of Governments, based in Fort Dodge, recently met with the Supervisors to explain the project. The Iowa Economic Development Authority received the funds to conduct the assessment to basically determine the access, adoption or use of technology and if so to what end, business, economic development and so on. Miller says the assessment process for Boone County is just beginning and work will begin on establishing a planning team to address the assessment itself.
Pufferbilly Logo Release Expected Soon
BOONE, Iowa---The 2012 theme for Pufferbilly Days is "Riding the Rails Along Scenic Trails" and the refined logo is expected to be released soon. Kurt Phillips, Executive Director of the Boone Area Chamber of Commerce, says work has been done to refine the logo and will soon be appearing on memorabilia. The original logo was submitted by Susannah Cunningham and the theme was submitted by Betty Wilhelm. The 36th Annual Pufferbilly Days festival will be celebrated September 6th through the 9th.
Central Iowa Expo Road Project
BOONE, Iowa---Farm Progress Shows have asked that the Central Iowa Expo site, east of Boone, receive some additional improvements to weatherize the site. Specifically, Farm Progress Shows have asked that the roads be paved. A recent meeting has apparently developed a plan involving the Iowa Department of Transportation and Iowa State University. Boone County Supervisors had said they didn't have the resources to pave the roads for Central Iowa Expo. The Board recently approved a resolution to accept funding from the Research and Technology Bureau for the stabilization and paving of the roads at the site. Work is expected to be done next year.
Thursday, April 5, 2012
Industrial Park Road Project in 2013
BOONE, Iowa---The Boone City Council and the Boone County Supervisors are again collaborating on a road construction project for the Boone Industrial Park. It's taken almost three years, but this week the City Council approved a 28-E agreement on the project, effectively ending earlier Council efforts to move ahead with their portion of the work this year. The project will be engineered by WHKS Engineering and will be bid through the Iowa Department of Transportation, probably in January 2013. Some work may occur this summer to keep the road usable until next summer's project.
Pilot Mound Fire Department Fundraiser
PILOT MOUND, Iowa---The Pilot Mound Fire Department will be getting a new AED, automated external defibrillator, for use by the Fire Department and will be getting an older model refurbished for use by the community. Sean Whalen, Pilot Mound Fire Chief says the recent fund raiser, supported by the Mirza Lodge, generated about $2,900. A new AED will cost about $1,800. He says the balance of the proceeds will be used by the department for ongoing vehicle repairs. A small portion was donated to the Bluff Creek Wranglers 4H Club for their help in getting the fund raiser set up and cleaned up.
Supervisors Support Alcohol Ban
BOONE, Iowa---In March, the Boone County Conservation Board approved a resolution making the High Trestle Trail Bridge a destination location and prohibiting alcohol. The action was driven by complaints of many visiting the scenic trail attraction. This week, the Boone County Board of Supervisors took action with a resolution that supports the Conservation Board. Law enforcement already has authority under state code to handle open containers and public consumption on the trail itself. Signage is expected to be located on both sides of the High Trestle Trail Bridge informing the public that alcohol is prohibited.
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
County Moves Ahead With Narrowbanding.
BOONE, Iowa---Boone County will continue to move forward with plans to upgrade the communication system to meet a narrowbanding mandate handed down by the Federal Communications Commission. The Supervisors have been presented with a plan that calls for accepting a bid from RA-COM. The base bid and several alternates have been chosen. There is already over $400,000 in grant money awarded to the Ogden and Boone Fire Departments that will go toward the project. Additional 9-1-1 funds are being committed as well. The question is who will be putting their name on the line for the lease purchase agreement to cover the balance of the work. It appears it will be the Supervisors, with 9-1-1 proceeds used to pay the debt over the next several years. Public hearings on the lease purchase agreement still need to be held.
Council Leaves Open Burning Alone
BOONE, Iowa---This year, the unseasonably mild weather has led to an increase in burning complaints called into the Boone Fire Department. Since the Boone County Landfill altered their dates for dumping yard waste free of charge, Fire Chief Justin Adams asked the City Council this week if they wished to alter the time frame for open burning of yard waste. After discussion, Council members left the matter alone noting that open burning of yard waste is permitted from April 15th to May 15th and that should allow residents time to take care of yard clean up. Yard waste is taken free of charge at the Landfill during business hours until Saturday May 5th.
Ogden Sewer Project Finalized
OGDEN, Iowa---The Ogden City Council was able to finalize a sanitary sewer renovation project during their meeting Tuesday evening. The project was put together after the City received a grant for the work. The good news, the grant did not require a local match. Several blocks of sanitary sewer line received a fiberglass lining to improve service and eliminate infiltration. Administrator Donovan Olson says the work should help improve service. The project also included flow meters which will allow the sewer department to better understand where potential problems could develop.
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Wal-Mart Breaks Ground
BOONE, Iowa---Even though work has been underway for the past several weeks, a formal ground breaking ceremony was held Tuesday at the site of the new Wal-Mart Supercenter. The new store will be about 120,000 square feet. Store Manager, James Deangelo, said the space will allow Wal-Mart to continue to expand it's current offerings and add several new features. Deangelo also said the larger store will require a larger staff, which could grow by at least 100 jobs. The Grand Opening is expected in early 2013.
Boone County Cares Chair-ity Event
BOONE, Iowa---Boone County Cares is hosting their annual silent chair auction this week at the Boone County Hospital Atrium. The Chair-ity event has been a successful way to raise money for the programs hosted by Boone County Cares. Chairs have been decorated by a number of people and organizations and supporters are invited to the hospital to submitted bids for their favorites. Boone County Cares provides the Stork's Nest, Parent's Anonymous, Care for Kids, Community Cares and others. Bids may be submitted until noon on Monday, April 9th.
City Waits For Paperwork
BOONE, Iowa---The City of Boone was apparently successful in their effort to secure a Community Development Block Grant to cover some of the costs of the next phase of the sanitary sewer rehabilitation effort. Boone Mayor John Slight says the $600,000 grant has apparently been awarded, however the city needs to wait until all the paperwork is complete before moving ahead with bids for the work. In the past, bidding a project was permitted prior to receiving the grant proceeds. Slight says it's a little frustrating when work could be done to protect residents property.
Monday, April 2, 2012
Legislature Focuses on Budgets and Reforms
BOONE, Iowa---Senate Minority Leader Jerry Behn says he feels pretty optimistic about the work the legislature is addressing this week. Behn says conference committees will begin working on balancing the budget and he also expects more work to be done on the three big reform packages, education, mental health and developmental disabilities and property taxes. Behn says he's not sure what will actually get accomplished on the reform measures, but with any luck, the session could be over in a couple of weeks.
Ground Broken For Habitat Home
OGDEN, Iowa---Habitat for Humanity for Boone and Greene Counties will be constructed their 22nd home this year. The home will be located in Ogden and ground was broken during a ceremony Sunday afternoon. The partner family is Brittany Hendrickson and her two daughters Madison and Meredith. This home will have different floor design and will also feature a different construction process. Local contractors are donating some time to oversee the work, including Gary Lass of Lasco Construction and John Pritchard of Pritchard Construction.
Council to Consider Bids for City Entrance Features
BOONE, Iowa---The Boone City Council will consider awarding a bid for the construction of a couple of entrance features along US Highway 30. The stone and masonry projects will be located on the north side of the highway, one on McHose Park property and the other on the east side on property that's part of the R.L. Fisher Business Park. The entrance features will include some of the granite salvaged from the demolition of the Meyers Building in downtown Boone.
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- Governor Participates in Arbor Day at Arboretum
- Several Hospitalized Following Accident
- Baltimore Unsure About Session End
- Hospital Finances Good Headed in Final Quarter
- Drug Drop Off
- Progress at Farm Progress Show Site
- Parking or Trees, That's the Question
- DMACC Students Elected PTK VP
- Leak Program Discussion Continues
- Squaw Creek Watershed
- Another Scam Surfaces
- Ogden District Deals With Tight General Fund
- Humane Society Rummage and Bake Sale Wednesday
- Woolworth Stores Heritage Program Topic
- Governor Scheduled to Kick Off Arbor Day
- Illinois Man Selected to Head Railroad Museum
- Grinder Ribbon Cutting
- 20 Groups Receive over $84K
- Volunteers to Keep Boone County Scenic
- Last Weekend for Rummage Sale Donations
- City Refinances Debt for Savings
- Ki HI Kapper
- 20 Nonprofit Groups Receive Endowment Grants
- Supervisors Continue to Pursue CIE Project
- More Budget Reductions Possible
- Slight Supports Leak Protection Program
- 19 Year Old Injured in Moped Accident
- Committee Debates Demolition
- Overton New Assessor
- Accident Hospitalizes Several
- High School Project Plans
- Baltimore Expects Session to Continue
- Council to Hear About Leak Protection Program
- Boone School Budget
- Pawty Raises $17,000
- Central Iowa Expo Site Roads
- Application Deadline Approaches
- School Board Budget and Reductions
- Sexual Assault Awareness Month
- Supervisor Approve Road Construction Agreement
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- Bullet Hits Home
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- Pufferbilly Logo Release Expected Soon
- Central Iowa Expo Road Project
- Industrial Park Road Project in 2013
- Pilot Mound Fire Department Fundraiser
- Supervisors Support Alcohol Ban
- County Moves Ahead With Narrowbanding.
- Council Leaves Open Burning Alone
- Ogden Sewer Project Finalized
- Wal-Mart Breaks Ground
- Boone County Cares Chair-ity Event
- City Waits For Paperwork
- Legislature Focuses on Budgets and Reforms
- Ground Broken For Habitat Home
- Council to Consider Bids for City Entrance Features