Thursday, May 31, 2012
Appliance pick up appts due June 1
BOONE - June 1st is the deadline to contact the City of Boone to schedule an appliance pick up in conjunction with the city wide clean up effort. While the curbside pick up of items like TVs, box springs and furniture is free, appliance and tire pick up requires an in advance payment. The dates for appliance pick up are June 14th and 15th. To drop off your tires or appliances on June 16th between 8am and noon at the City Shed, no appointment is needed. However, there will be still be a fee for disposal of those items.
Baltimore runs for re-election
BOONE - On Wednesday, Representative Chip Baltimore announced that he will be running for re-election in the new House District 47. After redistricting, District 47 is comprised of all of Greene County, and western Boone County, including Boone and Ogden. Baltimore is a graduate of Iowa State University and has a law degree from the University of Minnesota. currently, he is the Vice President, Trust Officer and In-House Counsel for the Boone Bank and Trust in Boone. Chip and his wife, Diana, have been married for 23 years and they have two children, Blake and Danielle.
Supervisors approve Wellmark Insurance/Flex
BOONE - In their regular meeting on Wednesday, the Boone County supervisors heard updates from Scott Smith of the Boone County Landfill, Bob Kieffer and Scott Kruse of the Secondary Roads Department and Veronica Rardin, Boone County Recorder. Discussion regarding the offer from a private developer to purchase .9 acres located on the Central Iowa Expo site continued. The Supervisors voted unanimously to sign the renewal group health insurance agreement and FLEX agreement between Boone County and Wellmark BlueCross and BlueShield effective July 1, 2012. A unanimous vote also approved a contract with Youth and Shelter Services of Boone County for the 2012-2013 time frame.
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Wednesday, May 30
BOONE - Eighteen felony arrests were the
result of a lengthy investigation conducted by the Boone Police Department and
Boone County Sheriff’s Department, along with the Central Iowa Drug Task Force
(CIDTF). The arrests were all on charges of taking part in the manufacturing of
John Wesley Wallace, 1409 11th Street in
Boone, is being held on $100,000 cash only bond for charges of manufacturing
methamphetamine as well as transfer/receiving of pseudoephedrine – a Class B
and Class C felony, respectively. Others arrested are being held on $25,000
cash only bond for transfer/receiving of pseudoephedrine – a Class C felony
punishable by up to 10 years in prison and a fine of at least $1,000, but no
more than $10,000 – because they provided pseudoephedrine to Wallace.
They include Wesley I. Elliott, 51, of Boone;
Jeffery A. Bolton, 48, of Boone; Judd E. Bork, 42, of Boone; David M. Lee, 27,
of Ogden; Timothy B. Bugger, 41, of
Boone; Spring Hinmun, 36, of Boone; Cynthia Devoogd, 37, of Boone; Dennis R. Devoogd, 52, of Boone; Jerad A. Smith, 33, of
Boone; Adam W. Gildea, 33, of Stanhope;
Jason J. Martin, 42, of Ogden; Donovan L.
Erickson, 23, of Boone; Brent A. Spencer, 37, of Boone; Rodney M. Miller, 42,
of Boone; Kara J. Curry, 27, of Boone; Caitlin S. Bauer, 23, of Ogden; and Roger
Low, 45, of Stratford.
The investigation started in September of 2011, and resulted in
search warrants on individuals involved in January. Warrants show that the
individuals involved had 386 documented purchases between them in the past
several years ..
Wallace, who received the stiffest
charge in the investigation, has a misdemeanor conviction for possession of
methamphetamine in Boone County in October of 2002, and a misdemeanor
conviction for possession of methamphetamine – second offense in Boone Countyin
March of 2004. Nine of the other suspects arrested – Gildea, Lee, Bauer,
Spencer, Bork, Hinman, Bugger, Elliott and Low – have previous drug
CIDTF formed two teams last Friday and started with their arrests.
In addition to the arrests, , more than 50 one-pot methamphetamine labs were discovered.
BOONE - Ten Boone County employees have joined together to form a Relay for Life team for this weekend's event. On Wednesday, the ten lined up to take a pie in the face to raise money for the fight against cancer. For literally $5 a throw, the team of Sheriff Ron Fehr; Supervisors Steve Duffy, Tom Foster and Bill Lusher; Wanda Cox, Heidi Kokemiller, Dave Morlan, Mike Salati, Scott Kruse and Scott Smith raised $535. Pictures of the event are on the homepage and more on
BOONE - The annual City Wide Clean-Up event for Boone is intended to assist property owners by hauling away items not normally placed at the curb for regular weekly garbage pick up. For citizens living north of Mamie Eisenhower, all items should be on the curb on Sunday, June 3rd. Public Works will pick up items from June 4-8. Residents living south of Mamie should place their unwanted items on the curb on Sunday, June 10th. Public Works staff will pick up items June 11-15. Appliances and tires are not a part of the curbside service. Those items will be picked up by appointment. Call 432-4211 ext 142 by June 1st to schedule your pick up appliances and tires. There is also an appliance drop off option. From 8a to Noon on June 16th, items may be dropped off at the Boone City Shed at 1410 8th Street. The full list of fees for appliance and tire pick up may be found at
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Tuesday, May 29
DES MOINES - Gary Warren of Boone claimed $10,000 on Tuesday at the Iowa Lottery's headquarters in Des Moines. He purchased his winning ticket at Boonedocks USA Truckstop along 1-35 near Williams. Warren won by matching four of the first five numbers and the power ball. Had he added the Power Play to his ticket, Warren would have increased his winnings to $40,000.
DES MOINES - Iowa Secretary of Agriculture Bill Northey today said that the 2012 Iowa legislative session was success for the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship and thanked the bipartisan support for restoring some funding to the Department after significant cuts in recent years. The Department received a $584000 increase in the general fund appropriation and a $550000 increase to administer soil conservation programs through the Environment First fund. In addition, the Department also received $350000 for conservation cost share, which is matched by landowners to build conservation practices, $1.55 million for agriculture drainage well closure and $1 million for the Water Improvement Review Bard. Governor Branstad signed the appropriations bills last Friday evening.
BOONE - On Wednesday, Boone County employees will take pies in the face to help fight cancer. From Noon to 1pm, in the west Courthouse parking lot, you can donate $5 for the opportunity to throw a pie into the face of select County workers. Proceeds will go to Relay for Life. The following have offered to get "pied": Sheriff Ron Fehr; Supervisors Steve Duffy, Tom Foster and Bill Lusher; Wanda cox, Heidi Kokemiller, Dave Morlan, Mike Salati, Scott Kruse and Scott Smith. The event is open to anyone and will be held rain or shine. Donation is five dollars per pie per face.
DES MOINES - Iowa Secretary of Agriculture Bill Northey today said that the 2012 Iowa legislative session was success for the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship and thanked the bipartisan support for restoring some funding to the Department after significant cuts in recent years. The Department received a $584000 increase in the general fund appropriation and a $550000 increase to administer soil conservation programs through the Environment First fund. In addition, the Department also received $350000 for conservation cost share, which is matched by landowners to build conservation practices, $1.55 million for agriculture drainage well closure and $1 million for the Water Improvement Review Bard. Governor Branstad signed the appropriations bills last Friday evening.
BOONE - On Wednesday, Boone County employees will take pies in the face to help fight cancer. From Noon to 1pm, in the west Courthouse parking lot, you can donate $5 for the opportunity to throw a pie into the face of select County workers. Proceeds will go to Relay for Life. The following have offered to get "pied": Sheriff Ron Fehr; Supervisors Steve Duffy, Tom Foster and Bill Lusher; Wanda cox, Heidi Kokemiller, Dave Morlan, Mike Salati, Scott Kruse and Scott Smith. The event is open to anyone and will be held rain or shine. Donation is five dollars per pie per face.
Monday, May 28, 2012
Monday, May 28, 2012 Memorial Day
BOONE - A good crowd honored Memorial Day and those who died in service to our country at the G.A.R. plot of the Linnwood Park Cemetery, presented by the Boone Veterans Council and the Boy Scouts of Boone
BOONE - The wife of an Ogden man fatally shot by authorities during a May 2010 standoff has filed a lawsuit against authorities.
BOONE - Absentee ballot requests must be received on or before June 1 at the Boone County Auditor's office.
Friday, May 25, 2012
Hospital Board Updated on Skilled Care
BOONE, Iowa---Joe Smith, Chief Executive Officer for the Boone County Hospital, says they are still moving ahead with a plan to reopen the skilled nursing beds on the third floor of the hospital, but it probably won't be until later this summer. Smith says the administration has continued to move ahead with plans to reopen, albeit with fewer beds than were being used two-years ago. CMS (Centers for Medicare Services) had determined the skilled care offering didn't meet their requirements, but an Administrative Law Judge ruled in favor of the hospital. Smith says now they are waiting input from the Iowa Attorney General about a question of certification. What ever the decision, the Hospital Board is expected to continue moving forward with plans to reopen the third floor.
Library Programs Kick Off in June
BOONE, Iowa---The Ericson Public Library is ready for summer. Jamie Williams, Assistant Director; Arielle Loy, Young Adult Librarian and Zachary Stier, Children's Librarian were on Tuned In Friday and reviewed the many activities planned for this summer. There will be reading program for Adults, Young Adults or teens and Children beginning June 4th. Special guests will include a Dream Interpreter and a visit by the Supernatural Research Society of Iowa. More information is available at the Ericson Public Libraries website.
Relay For Life Friday
BOONE, Iowa---Boone County Relay for Life will be held Friday evening, June 1st at 6:00 PM at Goeppinger Field. Many groups have continued to hold fund raisers for their teams, taking pledges and more. In the case of the Boone County employees team, Wednesday May 30th will be a big fundraiser as Take Pies for Cancer. Targets included Sheriff Ron Fehr; Supervisors Steve Duffy, Tom Foster and Bill Lusher; and others. The event will be in the parking lot west of the Courthouse from Noon til 1:00 PM. The cost is $5 per pie. The event is open to anyone.
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Supervisors Make No Decision on Property Sale
BOONE, Iowa---The Boone County Board of Supervisors had more questions than answers Wednesday when they discussed a request to sell a small parcel of property at the Central Iowa Expo Site to private developers planning to building a building adjacent to the CIE grounds. The property in question is outside the current fenced area. Supervisors discussed the offer for the land, what kind of building would be constructed and what kind of use of the building would there be for the Central Iowa Expo. The Supervisors made no decision, but will seek additional information. The construction of permanent buildings was planned as a way to develop the site east of Boone.
Interested Resident Sought for Park Commission
BOONE, Iowa---Last week, Phil Brown submitted his resignation from the Boone Park Commission for health reasons. City officials are quickly seeking input from interested residents that might consider an appointment to the Commission for the balance of Brown's term which would be November 2013. Parks and Public Works Director John Rouse says anyone that interested can submit their interest in an email to the City Clerk/Administrator Luke Nelson. He also says those that want more information about the position can contact his office at the Boone City Hall. Appointments to the Commission are made by Mayor John Slight. More information is available here.
Conservationist Program Needs Participants
BOONE, Iowa---Boone and Greene County ISU Extension have teamed together to offer a joint Master Conservationist Program during June and July. The program, similar to Master Gardeners, but focusing on natural resources and the environment, meets Thursday evenings with a couple of Saturday outings. There is a nominal fee of $35. The program also requires that participants pay back hours through service to their communities. Sign-up is still be taken at the Boone County Extension Office. Information is available by calling the office at 5151-432-3882 or online here.
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Supervisors to Discuss Possible Land Sale
BOONE, Iowa---The Boone County Board of Supervisors are being asked to consider selling a small portion of the land acquired for the Central Iowa Expo. The actual request is for less than an acre, which would apparently allow for a permanent structure to be built. The Central Iowa Expo Board has been in discussion with vendors that are interested in building, but want to own the land. Discussions have been on going about allowing the Central Iowa Expo to use the facility, participation in Farm Progress Shows and other possible events. The Supervisors would have to make the decision since the county owns more than 100 acres of the Central Iowa Expo Site.
Historical Program Presented Wednesday
BOONE, Iowa---The anniversary of D-Day will be June 6th, but the Boone County Historical Society will celebrate by making it the topic of the monthly heritage program. Charles Irwin, Executive Director of the Historical Society says they a video, filmed by U.S. Coast Guard cameramen during D-Day and the days after. Irwin says many have probably never seen the video presentation, but can do so, free of charge, Wednesday evening. Irwin says the program will be presented in the lower lever meeting room at the Historical Center at 602 Story Street. The program begins at 7:00 PM.
Council Approves Alternative Wellness Program
BOONE, Iowa---The Boone City Council agreed a year ago to spend up to $12,000 for a wellness program that helps in holding down the city's health insurance premium. The initial program has been handled by an out of town company, but has had over 70% participation. The employees Safety Committee has been taking a look at the service and has asked to work with the Boone County Hospital to put together a program for the same cost, that may attract additional participation. Monday, the Council voted to have the committee continue working on trying to establish a local program. Any agreement will need to come to the Council for approval.
Monday, May 21, 2012
Assessor Announces Start of Reappraisals
BOONE, Iowa---Boone County Assessor Paul Overton has announced that the reappraisal of commercial and industrial property in Boone County will begin about the end of the month and will be completed by the end of the calendar year. The reappraisal was part of the equalization order from the Iowa Department of Revenue last October that eventually led to the resignation of D. Kevin Burggraaf as Assessor. Overton's announcement says the work will be done by Vanguard Appraisals in conjunction with the Boone County Assessor's office will be conducting the project. Overton's release says commercial and industrial property owners with questions can contact the Assessor's office.
Harkin Seeks Support to Stop Filibuster
BOONE, Iowa---The Boone Campus of DMACC was one of Senator Tom Harkin's stops over the weekend, to garner support for his effort stop a senate filibuster holding up legislation he's proposed to "Stop the Student Loan Interest Rate Hike". Harkin met with DMACC and ISU students and faculty members to hear their stories on the impact of student loans and the impact raising the interest from 3.4% to 6.8% on July 1st. House Republicans have proposed holding the interest rate at 3.4%, but pay for it with money allocated for health care. The President has said he would veto that legislation.
Friday Accident Hospitalized Two
BOONE, Iowa---Sheriff Ron Fehr says deputies investigated a single vehicle roll over Friday afternoon about 4:30, right west of the Don Williams Recreational Area on "G" Avenue. 44-year old Paula Mallinger of Carroll was traveling north on "G" when she lost control, entered the ditch and rolled multiple times. She was airlifted from the scene to a Des Moines hospital. Her passenger, 40-year old Machael Mallinger of Des Moines was taken by ambulance to the Boone County Hospital. Fehr says Paula Mallinger has been charged with failure to maintain control, no insurance and driving while barred. Numerous emergency responders were at the scene.
Friday, May 18, 2012
Primary Vote
BOONE, Iowa---There are some early, absentee ballots being cast in Boone County for the June 5th Primary Election. There is only one contested, local race and that's on the Republican ballot for Sheriff with Rick Lampe and Rick Tasler each seeking the voters endorsement. There are a couple of dates coming up. The worry free postmark date for voter registration is May 21st. In person voter registration will be done through Saturday, May 26th. Registration can be done the day of the primary with the proper documentation. Absentee ballots can still be sought through the mail or cast by stopping at the Boone County Courthouse during regular hours. The Auditor's office will also be open on May 26th and June 2nd.
Graduations Dominate Weekend Activities
BOONE, Iowa---Last weekend, thousands traveled to Boone County for the 2012 Lazerfest at the Central Iowa Expo site east of Boone. An estimated 15,000 were on hand for the Mother's Day concert. This weekend will see graduation ceremonies in Boone, Madrid and Ogden. All three will be Sunday after, Madrid at 2:00, Ogden at 2:30 and Boone at 4:00. The weekend will also feature the Gladiator Assault Challenge at 7 Oaks Saturday and Sunday and the Bluff Creek Triathlon at Don Williams on Sunday morning.
District Responds to Student Death
BOONE, Iowa---Boone School District Superintendent Brad Manard has sent a letter to Boone High School Parents addressing the death of Boone High School Junior, 17-year old Lawrence Cunningham Thursday evening. Manard noted that Counselors from the High School and Heartland AEA have provided support to students. Churches have also offered support and parents are encouraged to pursue that support if they choose. Manard also wrote that students have varied reactions to the death of peer and he encouraged parents to talk to their children.
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
County Takes Steps To Buy Gates Building
BOONE, Iowa---After several months of discussion, the Boone County Board of Supervisors have approved moving ahead with the proposed purchase of the Gates property in the Boone Industrial Park. The facility, if the sale is completed, would become the new Boone County Recycling Center. Currently, the Boone County Recycling Center is located at Coe Transfer at 10th and Division Streets. The program has just entered is fifth year of a five year lease. An actual review of the facility and clearance by the EPA will still be needed before the sale can be finalized. The agreed price is $450,000.
Brown Resigns Park Commission
BOONE, Iowa---Due to health concerns, Phil Brown, a member of the Boone Park Commission tendered his resignation from the commission this week. Brown also supplied the letter to Boone City Administrator and Clerk, Luke Nelson. Brown has been battling cancer, but has tried to continue serving on the Commission, including working on the Johnny Appleseed Tree Planting program. This week, Brown told the Commission members that his cancer had returned and he needed to devote his attention to his health. It's expected that Mayor John Slight will seek interested candidates that would like an appointment to the Park Commission.
Conservation Board Waits on Lease Agreement
BOONE, Iowa---The Boone County Conservation Board continues to try and secure an agreement with property owners near the High Trestle Trail for access to some land to be used for additional parking in the area of QF Lane. The county road has become a nightmare for many residents because people use the point to access the High Trestle Trail. It is the closest access location to the Trail Bridge. The Conservation Board initially secure funds to construct a small parking lot to be used for handicap visitors, but that was quickly filled by trail users. The Board and the Supervisors have been trying to secure some additional land through a lease agreement, but that has yet to be finalized.
Monday, May 14, 2012
Seeds for Success Incentive Discussed Tuesday
BOONE, Iowa---The Boone County Community Endowment Fund wants to grow the participation in their program by making sure Boone County groups and organizations are making use of the Endow Iowa Tax Credits. Dave Cook works with the BCCEF promoting the opportunity and says there is a Lunch and Learn at the downtown Boone Bank and Trust Friendship Room, Tuesday over the noon hour. Cook says any one working with groups that might be interested in making their donors eligible for the tax credits is encouraged to attend.
Lazerfest Leads to Increase in Calls and Arrests
BOONE, Iowa---Authorities in Boone and Boone County had expected increases in calls over the weekend. Most were associated with Lazerfest at the Central Iowa Expo site east of Boone. The number of calls certainly spiked on Sunday during the concert, with numerous reports of disorder conduct, assaults, and various drug and alcohol violations. Additional medical calls were also reported, many actually handled right at the concert site. One bit of good news, for the first time in a couple of years, Lazerfest had sunshine and mild temperatures.
Fatal Accident Still Under Investigation
BOONE, Iowa---The Iowa State Patrol is continuing the investigation into the single car accident Saturday that claimed the life of a 7-year old Boone boy. Jarret Stoneburner was pronounced dead at the scene, northwest of Boone on "L" Avenue. 32-year old Kristin Stoneburner, driver of the car, 12-year old Hailey Stoneburner, Makenya Larson, also believed to be 12 and 41-year old James Matthews were all flown to hospitals in Des Moines. Authorities are trying to determine what led Stoneburner to lose control of the car and enter the ditch, striking a culvert.
Friday, May 11, 2012
Baltimore Disappointed About Property Tax Matter
BOONE, Iowa---Representative Chip Baltimore, Republican from Boone, says he was very disappointed with lack of effort by the Democratic leadership in the Iowa Senate to develop a property tax reform package that would help reduce commercial property taxes. Baltimore said that House Republicans sent five different proposals to the Senate, trying to meet the concerns that were brought up. In the end, he said the Senate Democrats apparently didn't want to do anything with commercial property taxes.
Agriculture Program Continues At Boone High School
BOONE, Iowa---The resignation of Amanda Kacal as the Boone High School Agriculture Teacher created quite a stir among district patrons. Many showed up for the School Board meeting to protest the elimination of the Agriculture Program and FFA. Superintendent Brad Manard said on Tuned In this week that there has never been any discussion about eliminating the Ag Program or FFA. He said it just so happened the position is vacant at the time the Board is looking for ways to adopt additional budget reductions. Manard said the district is advertising for an instructor and hope to match up someone to the needs of the district.
Property Protection Program Still Working
BOONE, Iowa---The Boone City Council's Utility Committee found out this past week that money allocated to the Property Protection Program is nearly gone for the current fiscal year. The Council had put $60,000 in the program that assists property owners that take steps to have perimeter or footing tile disconnected from the sanitary sewer line. $40,000 was directed to the northeast sewer district, with $20,000 used elsewhere in the community. Just over $4,500 remains for the current fiscal year which ends the end of June. Information on the program is available from the Boone City Building Official.
Thursday, May 10, 2012
School Planning on Schedule
BOONE, Iowa---Boone School Superintendent Brad Manard said this week that the schedule for planning and bidding the work at the Boone High School is pretty much on schedule. He says plan development is progressing and bidding is expected in September. Construction on the new addition will be first and will hopefully be completed by December 2013. Manard says that will allow the district to move classes during the semester break and start out 2014 with the demolition of the oldest portions of the building. Manard made his comments on the KWBG Tuned In program on Wednesday.
Laserfest On Sunday
BOONE, Iowa---The 2012 version of Laserfest will be held at the Central Iowa Expo site east of Boone, Sunday. Sheriff Ron Fehr says those traveling may want to avoid the area beginning about mid-morning Sunday. Fehr says parking will open at 10:00 with the concert beginning at 11:30. He says traffic is expected to be busy throughout the day. Very heavy traffic is expected when the show wraps up about 11:00 Sunday night.
Supervisors Accept Bids For Work
BOONE, Iowa---The Boone County Board of Supervisors this week, accepted the apparent low bid of just under $1.2 million to road grade stabilization and granular surfacing at the Central Iowa Expo site, east of Boone. The effort is the first step in helping to weather proof the site with hard surfaced roads. The work is being done in collaboration with several groups, including the Iowa Department of Transportation and Iowa State University. The apparent low bid was submitted by J.B. Holland of Decorah.
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
School Board Meeting To Include Budget Reduction Proposal
BOONE, Iowa---The Boone School Board made decisions on some $400,000 in budget reduction moves at their last meeting in April, and at the time indicated more may be required at the May meeting. That will be held Tuesday afternoon and the matter is still on the agenda. The proposal being discussed shows there are currently three unfilled positions at the High School level, Instrumental Music, Agriculture and Biology and a Senior High Art Instructor. The Board would like to cut an additional $30,000 to $40,000 and could decide not to fill one of the positions to meet that amount.
Behn Hospitalized
BOONE, Iowa---The Republican leader in the Iowa Senate is in the hospital, being treated for a partially perforated bowel. Not a lot of additional information has been made available. Behn was elected Senate Minority leader last November. He was elected to the Senate in 1996. Prior to that, he was a member of the Boone County Board of Supervisors. The 58-year old Behn farms and resides south of Boone.
Council Approves 1st Consideration of LPP Ordinance
BOONE, Iowa---The Boone City Council moved quickly Monday to approve the first consideration of an ordinance amendment that establishes what's being called a Leak Protection Program. The initial idea was to assess a fifty center per month charge on a residential utility bill that would be used to cover the cost of the program. People that have water leaks and high bills would be allowed to appeal that bill and could have charges reduced to a rolling average plus $100. Since the matter first came up, the proposal has been altered to include commercial properties at varying rates. City Administrator Luke Nelson said the most controversial part is still to come. Does the Council vote to include everyone and then allow people to opt out of the program or do they allow people to sign up for the program.
Monday, May 7, 2012
Council Will Hear Demolition Proposal
BOONE, Iowa---The Boone City Council will once again consider the demolition of property at 1004 Story Street in Boone. The former museum property is in disrepair and city officials are considering options to dispose of the structure. Part of the concern is the cost of demolishing the property, who will be responsible for the cost, who will be responsible for maintenance of adjoining walls and so on. At the last meeting, the Council asked Chief of Police Bill Skare to investigate ownership to see if there were other opportunities to recoup the cost.
Two Arrested Following Friday Search
BOONE, Iowa---Boone County Sheriff Ron Fehr says two Woodward area residents were arrested last Friday, after the Sheriff's department executed a search warrant for guns and ammunition. During the search, Fehr says drugs were located and a second warrant was sought for a drug investigation. Arrested were 49-year old Rebecca J. Norgart on charges of possession of meth, marijuana and paraphernalia. Also arrested was 48-year old Curtis W. Jurgenson, who was charged possession of meth and marijuana and also being a felon in possession of firearms.
Motorcycle Awareness Proclamation
BOONE, Iowa---Mayors in Boone County this weekend, issued proclamations focusing on motorcycle awareness, during the month of May. District 25 Chapter of ABATE held their annual rally with a few dozen taking off from Boone Saturday morning. Several others joined the group as the day wore on. Boone Mayor John Slight and State Representative Chip Baltimore gathered with the group on the steps of Boone City Hall.
Friday, May 4, 2012
Superintendent Search
OGDEN, Iowa---The Ogden School Board will be meeting Monday with representatives of G. Tryon and Associates to find out what needs to be done to find a new Superintendent. Superintendent Bill Roederer tendered his resignation this past week, as did High School Principal Jerry Wilson. Tryon and Associates is a consulting firm that assists school district with administrative searches. The firm worked with the Boone School District on their search that brought Brad Manard to Boone. The Monday meeting for the Ogden School Board is a work session. No action items are listed on their agenda.
Arbor Day Proclamation
BOONE, Iowa---Boone Mayor John Slight issued his annual proclamation, recognizing Arbor Day the benefit of trees and tree plantings on Friday. Slight with Park Commission President Mike Swarts also took some time to assist parks personnel with a memorial tree planting at Herman Park. The activity ties in the city's ongoing Johnny Appleseed Tree Planting program which takes place on Saturday. Volunteers will be planting trees around the new baseball field on the Boone Campus of DMACC. The activities could lead to another Tree City USA Award.
84th Annual Spring Commencement at DMACC
BOONE, Iowa---Between Des Moines Area Community College and the Boone Junior College, 2012 marked the 84th time there's been a spring commencement. More than 320 students were eligible to participate in the program Friday and well over half were on hand. State Representative Chip Baltimore delivered this year's commencement address. A reception was held following the ceremony at the L.W. Courter Center. A nurse pinning ceremony followed the commencement.
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Storm Damage
BOONE, Iowa---Many Boone County residents were awakened by warning sirens early Wednesday morning. The National Weather Service issued a Tornado Warning for northern Boone County about 1:25 AM when radar indicated a tornado between Ogden and Boxholm. Spotters did not confirm a tornado on the ground, but there was damage from south of Boxholm to south of Fraser to right east of Boone. Authorities report damage to structures, trees knocked down and in the case of house damage east of Boone, the damage caused a fire. Authorities noted that even with a wide variety of damage, there were no injuries. Round two could occur Wednesday night to Thursday morning.
Ogden Librarian Retires
OGDEN, Iowa---Cindy Smith, Librarian at the Leonard Good Library in Ogden for some 25-years suddenly retired in April submitting her resignation to the Library Board of Trustees. City Administrator Donovan Olson says the Trustees are using their current staff to continue providing services to the community. Olson says the city's auditing firm will be conducting a re-audit of a separate account that had been kept on behalf of the library. The account is supposed to be a part of the city's general fund. Details of the re-audit are expected later in May.
Suspicious Bottle Delivered
SLATER, Iowa---Boone County Sheriff Ron Fehr reports that a deputy is investigating the delivery of a suspicious bottle to the Slater Syngenta Seed Company in southeast Boone County. A half dozen people were exposed to the contents of the bottle. Boone County Emergency Management and Des Moines HazMat responded. Fehr says the material in the bottle was not dangerous, but there was a threatening note. He says the suspect is from Austin, Texas and the departments investigation is on going.
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
County Attorney Rules Shooting Was Reasonable
BOONE, Iowa---The Boone County Attorney's Office has completed its review of the officer involved shooting on March 24th that sent Brian Johnson to a Des Moines Hospital. County Attorney Jim Robbins noted that after a review of the DCI investigative report, it has been concluded that Boone Police Officers Korie Barber and John Wiebold were justified in firing their weapons at Brian Johnson. The evidence indicated that Johnson pointed a handgun at the officers in a threatening manner. Barber and Wiebold have been on administrative leave since the shooting on March 24th.
Vilsack Campaign Fights Waste, Fraud and Abuse
BOONE, Iowa---Christie Vilsack, candidate for Congress in Iowa's new 4th District has rolled out her plan to fight government waste, fraud and abuse and to reign in wasteful spending in Washington. Vilsack, in Boone on one of several stops talked about learning to frugal from her great grandmother, grandmother and mother. Vilsack says having a permanent inspector general in each department, focusing on saving tax payer dollars is one of several ideas she is pursuing.
Narrow banding Contract to be Considered
BOONE, Iowa---The Boone County Board of Supervisors are expected to take formal action and approve a contract for the county's new communication system when they meet Wednesday. All public entities are being required to go to a narrow banding system by the end of this year. Boone County will enter into a contract with RACOM for the upgraded system. Financing the project has been the focus recently. After receiving a couple of substantial federal grants, the balance is expected to be financed through a lease purchase agreement.
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Blog Archive
- Appliance pick up appts due June 1
- Baltimore runs for re-election
- Supervisors approve Wellmark Insurance/Flex
- Wednesday, May 30
- Tuesday, May 29
- Monday, May 28, 2012 Memorial Day BOONE - A good ...
- Hospital Board Updated on Skilled Care
- Library Programs Kick Off in June
- Relay For Life Friday
- Supervisors Make No Decision on Property Sale
- Interested Resident Sought for Park Commission
- Conservationist Program Needs Participants
- Supervisors to Discuss Possible Land Sale
- Historical Program Presented Wednesday
- Council Approves Alternative Wellness Program
- Assessor Announces Start of Reappraisals
- Harkin Seeks Support to Stop Filibuster
- Friday Accident Hospitalized Two
- Primary Vote
- Graduations Dominate Weekend Activities
- District Responds to Student Death
- County Takes Steps To Buy Gates Building
- Brown Resigns Park Commission
- Conservation Board Waits on Lease Agreement
- Seeds for Success Incentive Discussed Tuesday
- Lazerfest Leads to Increase in Calls and Arrests
- Fatal Accident Still Under Investigation
- Baltimore Disappointed About Property Tax Matter
- Agriculture Program Continues At Boone High School
- Property Protection Program Still Working
- School Planning on Schedule
- Laserfest On Sunday
- Supervisors Accept Bids For Work
- School Board Meeting To Include Budget Reduction P...
- Behn Hospitalized
- Council Approves 1st Consideration of LPP Ordinance
- Council Will Hear Demolition Proposal
- Two Arrested Following Friday Search
- Motorcycle Awareness Proclamation
- Superintendent Search
- Arbor Day Proclamation
- 84th Annual Spring Commencement at DMACC
- Storm Damage
- Ogden Librarian Retires
- Suspicious Bottle Delivered
- County Attorney Rules Shooting Was Reasonable
- Vilsack Campaign Fights Waste, Fraud and Abuse
- Narrow banding Contract to be Considered